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  1. doublejj


    Leopard 2 Ukrainian crew fired its first shot
  2. doublejj


    ‘We Need a National Divorce’: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls for Republican States to Secede From the Union
  3. doublejj

    Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

    I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes in the past. But I try to learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. ""There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.'"
  4. doublejj


    Marjorie Taylor Greene Vows to Impeach Joe Biden for Supporting Ukraine
  5. doublejj

    Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

    We will see what my choices are when the time comes. but I can tell you for sure I will never vote for another republican....
  6. doublejj

    Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

    I will vote for Joe Biden over any of those republicans.....
  7. doublejj

    Green House

    Nice greenhouse. I suggest you put some lights inside and install a blackout cover. Plant an early light dep run that you can harvest in June and re-plant a summer run to harvest in Oct-Nov. Skip the heater and take the winter off. Winter grows don't produce enough to be worth the trouble/costs...
  8. doublejj

    Only Turkeys

    I feed the local flock of urban turkeys. They love corn and peanuts....
  9. doublejj


  10. doublejj


  11. doublejj


  12. doublejj

    Just Cats

    This is Bert, one of my neighbors cats. Sometimes he will enter thru the cat window late at night and likes to sleep in a spare closet. I think he gets locked out some nights and we are his crash pad. He also loves deli sliced oven roast turkey...Bert is my buddy
  13. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Proposed bill seeks to ban voting sites at Texas college campuses
  14. doublejj

    OK then. Biden 2020.

    GOP Operative Sentenced to 18 Months for Funneling Russian Money to Trump Campaign
  15. doublejj


    She must have thought she was in Toke n Talk on the "Only Cats" thread.... :D
  16. doublejj


    Russia is testing a drone named after Trump
  17. doublejj

    OK then. Biden 2020.

    who uses much gas anymore?....i drive a Prius.
  18. doublejj

    OK then. Biden 2020.

    the republicans won't talk about the dismal condition america was in when we kicked trump out of office and elected a real president in 2020....
  19. doublejj


    welcome to Ukraine.....