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  1. Xephier

    Air circulation?

    I do have an open hood(reflector). For just having the one fan I want to pull heat from the source if I can and since heat rises I guess below the bulb is a no brainer as being a bad idea. Since it's an open hood there is no "exhaust side". The red circles are where I was thinking of setting up...
  2. Xephier

    Air circulation?

    When I first hooked up my 600w light it was way too hot for my grow area(getting heats in excess of 100F) but my grow area only had a single oscillating fan. I now have a muffin fan( and I'm going to hook that to some ducting and have it...
  3. Xephier


    I actually did what you said and churned the dirt around a bit cuz it made sense to loosen up the soil a bit(and I've been kinda wanting to anyways). I just hope that don't stress the plants or anything, I mean I wasn't gouging around the roots but I did end up moving the plants just a little...
  4. Xephier


    Well, he did have a point about it being readily available to most people so it'd do in a pinch but it doesn't matter. Since I've started giving the plants air(took the dome off) the fungus has not come back but that plant has not grown at all, the seed barely made it over the surface. I think...
  5. Xephier


    Ya, I had the dome over them so that would be what made for the "lousy air circulation". I also started in bigger pots than I should have although they weren't really huge pots or anything I should have perhaps went a bit smaller. The pots I used were about 500ml give or take.
  6. Xephier


    Oddly all the plants have the same environment and yet only that one got the mold/fungi issue. Mind you 3 of them haven't even spouted but the 4-5 that have look pretty healthy so far.
  7. Xephier


    That's the stuff I'm using, it's not exactly yawn/yard soil although I think it'd do a lot better with some perlite.
  8. Xephier


    Most likely not. I really do need to know what is causing that(the mold/fungi) though and if the plant can be saved. I've realized that the dirt in all the plants is holding water really well, like almost too well, I watered them 3 days ago and they've hardly lost any weight. In retrospect I...
  9. Xephier


    Oh, well if that's the case then what is causing it and how do I get rid of it? Is there any hope for that plant or should I just toss it?
  10. Xephier


    The "webs" are back so I got some close-up shots.
  11. Xephier


    Indoors and I can't really take a pic, soon as you mentioned spider mites I used a toothpick to clear away the web.
  12. Xephier


    Shit, I was hoping those wouldn't become an issue until the plants were at least bigger than a few inches... should I just toss that plant before they get into the others(the seed hasn't even removed itself from the top and it looks like it might be kinda stuck there..
  13. Xephier

    Moisture meter

    I might have overwatered a bit a couple days ago. I knew I added a bit much so I set aside my friend's daily watering of seeds advice and skipped a day but I just weighed them again today and they all have about the same weight as they did 2 days ago. I have been told to water again once the...
  14. Xephier


    One of my plants just sprouted and it's only maybe quarter to half inch up and it's got what looks like spider webs all over it. Is that natural or should I do what I can to get those off there?
  15. Xephier

    Moisture meter

    To be fair it could damage your roots if you were stupid enough to jam it through the centre of your plant, I'd personally poke it in around the outer 10-15% ring so as to not risk hitting roots.
  16. Xephier

    Water wieght

    I ended up mixing up on the methods, water till drops come out the bottom then I weighed them, they all came to 300ish grams each and dry is 119, is 2X the dry weight in water ok for the seeds? Also I just read that compacting the soil too much can be bad for the seeds cuz then they can't get...
  17. Xephier

    Weight scale

    Ya, I decided to just get a scale from staples. Damn thing still costed me 40$ cuz they didn't have any that would weigh grams under that price. Ah well, it works for what I need it for.
  18. Xephier

    Water wieght

    Currently watering daily as per my friend's advice. The plants are just seeds atm so he says they need more moisture for now. I have actually heard that during vegetation it's a good idea to let the plant run completely dry a couple times as it forces the roots to grow out more in search of water.
  19. Xephier

    Water wieght

    For me this would be so much easier if I could just go by the numbers. I've had some random pains in my arms lately(prob due to lack of exercise/healthy eating) and there's times that a cup of water will feel like it weighs as much as a litre. So I don't really trust my judgement when it comes...
  20. Xephier

    Water wieght

    Ok so I got my scale and here's the results Dry weight with only bone dry soil in one of those pots is 119g The weight of each plant is as follows: WW1: 155 / 36 WW2: 197 / 78 WW3: 177 / 58 WW4: 152 / 33 WW5: 205 / 86 MM1: 196 / 77 MM2: 190 / 71 MM3: 188...