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  1. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Thanks Joe...... Nearly all major airlines mandate COVID vaccine for employees
  2. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Yep...a snowflake
  3. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  4. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  5. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    cool story dude
  6. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    they should stay home away from the vaccinated...they don't belong in society without a vaccine during this pandemic
  7. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  8. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  9. doublejj

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    My dad killed facists in WW2 and received medals for it....RIP Pop
  10. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    She is such a POS...
  11. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Fortunately the trumptards are killing themselves with the 'fake virus' to own the libs..
  12. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    the alternative was a grifter/conman/ it really wasn't a hard decision...Biden 2024
  13. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    how about the choice of business's or employers' who require vaccines?
  14. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Today the unvaccinated are like drunk drivers....they respect your right to drive sober so they can have "rights" to endanger everyone else on the road. We should lock them up for being a menace to society
  15. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  16. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Trump Asked DOJ Nine Times to Overturn Election, Says 'Damning' Senate Report
  17. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    thump should be in jail for treason....lets get the trial started
  18. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    it probably didn't translate from russian.....
  19. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    F*cked around and found out....
  20. doublejj


    I still make Jiffy Pop at home.....a hold over from my beach camping days