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  1. doublejj


    you and I are different. To me, being self centered is not a virtue...
  2. doublejj


    I share the road with others that I don't know, and drive defensibly as to not risk the safety of others on the road. Common courtesy saves lives. Thinking of others is a bold concept I know but you might raise your eyes and see the danger you might present to those around you.
  3. doublejj


    I try not to do things that might endanger others...
  4. doublejj

    Is Sen. Manchin really a Democrat?

  5. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    she knows Malania approves...
  6. doublejj


    I haven't received a speeding ticket in 40+ years...
  7. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  8. doublejj


    wearing your seatbelt is no guarantee you won't die in a car accident, but it sure improves your chances of living through it....and please stop at stop signs Roy....and please don't drive drunk even though drunk drivers have a 99% survival rate.
  9. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    vote republicans out.....
  10. doublejj

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    Republicans.... Idaho Falls couple accused of voting twice in the 2020 presidential election
  11. doublejj

    ban crt

    you misspelled Republican Government.....
  12. doublejj

    ban crt

    Truth sometimes hurts.....lets teach our children the truth...republicans should be banned.
  13. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of $11m a minute, IMF finds
  14. doublejj


    Colorado hospital system will not perform transplants on unvaccinated patients
  15. doublejj


    Kaiser Permanente suspends 2,200 unvaccinated employees
  16. doublejj


    During 15 months of the nearly 19-month COVID-19 pandemic, more than 120,000 U.S. children lost a parent or grandparent who was a primary provider of financial support and care, the study found. Another 22,000 children experienced the death of a secondary caregiver - for example, a grandparent...
  17. doublejj


    American men lost 2.2 years of life expectancy last year because of Covid-19, the biggest decline among 29 nations in a study of the pandemic’s impact on longevity.
  18. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    American men lost 2.2 years of life expectancy last year because of Covid-19, the biggest decline among 29 nations in a study of the pandemic’s impact on longevity
  19. doublejj

    Arizona Audit!

    California has made mail voting permanent...
  20. doublejj


    Congratulations! have won an all expenses stay Cannabis Wedding Retreat. For a top shelf wedding try Cannabis Wedding Retreat, you will snip those honeymoon plans in the bud.