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  1. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

  2. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    give him a pass I don't think English is his first language and it's 9am in Moscow, he just got on station...
  3. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    the black DC cop that shot and killed that woman terrorist probably gave him a know, Black privilege and all
  4. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    They will get due process before we bring them guilty SOB's in to court and get the trials started.....keeping them locked up is for the good of us all...
  5. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    He has arrested many of these dipshits.....trials to follow
  6. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

  7. doublejj

    Recovering fraudulent or abused unemployment insurance?

    and his whole damn family....
  8. doublejj

    Recovering fraudulent or abused unemployment insurance?

    it would cost more to track down and prosecute the small amount of welfare fraud, than the amount lost to fraud's a net-loss
  9. doublejj

    Recovering fraudulent or abused unemployment insurance?

    Official figures of the prevalence of welfare fraud based on government investigation tend to be low – a few percent of the total amount of welfare spending.
  10. doublejj

  11. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election
  12. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    Thanks Governor Newsom.... California reports lowest COVID-19 case rate in the country
  13. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

  14. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    when all the republicans are dead.....
  15. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    at 1,500 deaths per day, Covid is killing as many Americans every 2 days as were killed on 9/11....
  16. doublejj


    at 1,500 deaths per day, Covid is killing as many Americans every 2 days as were killed on 9/11.... :wall:
  17. doublejj

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    KNP Complex wildfire explodes, pushing flames into grove of some of California's most famous trees
  18. doublejj

    American Wildfires

    KNP Complex wildfire explodes, pushing flames into grove of some of California's most famous trees
  19. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    it's Sunday night 8pm in Moscow.....he will be back on station in the AM...