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  1. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    trump brings out the best in people....
  2. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    trump should be in jail....with his whole damn family
  3. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    Nothing like a pre-teen lap dance from your own daughter.....:shock:
  4. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    Biden should give him a Medal.....
  5. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    theres a pandemic on, we must make do with what we get...
  6. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    поцелуй меня в задницу, товарищ
  7. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    General Milley literally grabbed trump by the pussy....and sold him to the Chinese
  8. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    it probably sounded better in it's original Russian.....
  9. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    Gen Milley literally neutered trump while he was still in office...cucked him behind his back lol
  10. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    he's in a different time zone.....literally. It's noon in Moscow
  11. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    they have to keep them somewhere before they make pizzas out of them....
  12. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    how's that Az recall going? Cali won't miss you
  13. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    Anyone he wants.......because He's the President of the United States.
  14. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    Doublewide! You lucky SOB.....
  15. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    fuel prices are going up...that costs money. Soon it will be a push.
  16. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    Biden just got us out of the last republican war.....Biden 2024...
  17. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    maybe on the Ca/Az border so you can claim a residence in both states....imagine voting for trump in 2 states and losing both!
  18. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    I can't tell if this is Ca or Az......
  19. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    I'm so glad Biden won & these traitors are getting arrested.... What we know about the "unprecedented" Capitol riot arrests In the seven months since a mob of rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol more than 570 people had been arrested in connection with the siege, according to the Department of...
  20. doublejj

    AOC - Tax the Rich

    How you doing bro? things have been a little crazy around here for awhile....