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  1. Dryxi

    Happy Election Day

    Happy to have wasted my vote today (in a hard stuck state so it makes little difference there) but hopefully Libterarians reach that 5% number or better to have the money to reach voters in a couple years. BTW, the parties are the same corrupt parties that cater to money not citizens.
  2. Dryxi

    Specifically, what has trump done that could land him in prison?

    I have a feeling nothing actually happens in the end. There will be plenty of bluster on both sides, maybe even a court proceeding, where he retires as another millionaire former President.
  3. Dryxi

    "The Day of the Days"

    But I thought he was sent by Jesus?
  4. Dryxi

    Lockdowns work.

    I am talking about lockdown in the sense of majority of businesses being closed, stay at home orders, etc. Investopedia article on the financial repercussions of younger generations our government is a little less than functional imho ;)
  5. Dryxi

    Ready for the supreme court to steal the election?

    In 30 years the internet went from aol dial-up to what we have today. Social media went from kids on MySpace to the world on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Oftentimes, people use multiple. It has been a long time and a ton has changed throughout the world. Even though it was only a couple...
  6. Dryxi

    Lockdowns work.

    How long should a lockdown last? They say that the millennial generation was pretty screwed long term financially due to the Great Recession in 2008-09. The end of that generation just finished school (those that went that route) and the beginning of the next. While it's a terrible discussion to...
  7. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Right now I have the vent in the wall but no damper on it. Need a motorized one on a timer to run at night some just to empty and refresh the room. The vent is taped over with duct tape because I want it sealed and not able to vent 24/7. By opening the door, I mean the 1 time a day or 2 I would...
  8. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Typically the co2 never gets that high. From what I noticed last cycle (no venting), opening the door allows plenty of fresh air. Otherwise i didn't notice any ethylene or other gas issues, which is one of the reasons I read to have a vent. Burner always worked fine. I have a vent installed but...
  9. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    I'm going to have to look into those. I did my first big re- amendment to the soil a few days ago, realized I really need to add the exhaust and intake to my shed. The soil alone (no plants in the room) respired so much CO2 that in only a couple hours it went from the 500 ppm to 7200ish...
  10. Dryxi

    Help... someones smelt my grow :(

    But at less than an oz a month, in an illegal location, its just a big risk (cultivation = bigger charges) vs the street price. If I bought on the street, I'm using ~$1200 worth a month. At that amount, the risk is a little easier to swallow lol
  11. Dryxi

    Help... someones smelt my grow :(

    If the guy left you thinking there is a big grow in the neighborhood, you have no worries. They aren't looking for windowsill growers, they catch those if the opportunity is given to them. Your only issue would be if he thought you were the one growing and wanted to report you.
  12. Dryxi

    What's the point of opposite town hall events?

    Unfortunately, experts have already said most likely this virus is going to be endemic and will be with the human race forever. They also stated that a possible reason it is affecting us so hard (even though it is very similar to the 4 other common cold viruses) could be due to the novelty of...
  13. Dryxi

    Predator mite preference

    I first started using them (that amount) in a 5x5 grow tent, now I am in a sealed grow room but still about the same grow space is being used. Same amount of mites were used (they send you way more than you need for a tent)
  14. Dryxi

    Predator mite preference

    I use them every cycle (probably do not need to keep reintroducing them every cycle, but I do). They beat back a spider mite infestation (had webbing on the clover not my cash crop) and I haven't seen them make a resurgence again... nor have I had any other pest issues, knock on wood. I use...
  15. Dryxi

    What kind of numbers do you think we'll see on November 3rd?

    I expect fellow voters like myself to blamed for "stealing the vote" of whoever loses :/ Excited to see who that is though. Luckily, Jo Jorgensen looks like she is going to reach the 5% amount needed to get some of those matched tax dollars for the next presidential campaign. Crazy that they...
  16. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    I did a soil test with Logan Labs and a consultant on the test from the "Soil Doctor", an agronomist recommended by BAS. I don't know enough to do this on my own, so until I learn more I plan on using him again in the future. If you know a little something and want to shed light on any opinions...
  17. Dryxi

    Organic No Dig - Winging it!

    When you take out plants, remember the scrog has each plant taking up more space as you spread it out. Right now each one takes up about 4 of those little squares, stretch will have them at least double that as you bend em down. And that is if you were to flip asap before they get any bigger...
  18. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    I want to do that but need a hygrometer plug with a sensor I can put in the buckets (arduino has been an option but I haven't even attempted yet). I actually stopped the burbing already, I put a hygrometer in the buckets and they have been sitting at 58% for over a week (I think I dried just...
  19. Dryxi

    I hate FKN spider mites!

    When I used them after seeing spidermites, it just maintained them and I saw them on the clover still (covercrop) but I didn't see any damage on the cannabis leaves again.
  20. Dryxi

    I hate FKN spider mites!

    If using beneficial mites hasn't been said, use beneficial mites. No need to shut down and they stay for a while if you have some spider mites. They can easily be a preventative as well.