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  1. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    I think it just isn't realistic to think vaccinations are going to stop this in the next year. We all know a number of people who do not go to the doctor much or that work insane hours. There won't be a way to force all these people to go to the doctor and get a vaccine, and then the booster a...
  2. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    He says 4 years for life to go back to "normal" even with vaccines coming out. Mask mandates without enforcement are worthless and relying on people to just wear one out of the goodness of their hearts seems worthless too since people just don't wear them. Biden might be grappling with the...
  3. Dryxi

    Biden won

    Regarding strengthening the fed, we cannot say this is not true of both sides. Trump way abused executive powers, sending in feds to Portland, Republicans making laws that basically infringe on our rights to protest, renewing the Emergency Powers granted from 9/11 for the current "war", etc etc...
  4. Dryxi

    Biden won

    How so? You are defining my vote to have the exact same priorities as yourself. We don't, and while I am fully for fixing social justices, I am not for the full platform of the Blue party. So I voted for one that I agree with more than the other two.
  5. Dryxi

    Biden won

    For me, it is the continuation of the endless war (on Terror now) and excessive strengthening of the Federal arm of government. When our countrymen are legitimetly scared of who the next president will be because of their ability to change our lives every 4 years... its too big. This is...
  6. Dryxi

    Now what do I/we do?

    Eh, you look at a glass half full, I am looking at it half empty. The ways the two parties are the same is the issue, but here on these forums its a crime to vote against the 2 main parties lol
  7. Dryxi

    Biden won

    The areas that they are the same, for some, is the issue. And remains the issue, whether it is Biden or Trump as the face.
  8. Dryxi

    Now what do I/we do?

    Exaggerates but says it all. The issues likely lose media coverage (no longer Trump issues) but are rarely fixed. I doubt with a red senate much more is done, and what is will be concessions Republicans are willing to give, as a way to put their stamp on the big ticket issues Democrats would...
  9. Dryxi

    The Divided States of America

    But they made millions (some billions) already in the pandemic, so I wonder how much did they actually lose?
  10. Dryxi

    Are we on the verge of a civil war?

    Possible, unlikely. What do you think the reaction from the people who voted Trump will have if Democrats decide to charge and then imprison Trump and other political allies? Do we really think that is going to help the nation? The officials who have to make that decision have to weigh their...
  11. Dryxi

    Should Biden stick with tradition and meet with Trump if he wins prior to taking office?

    Yes, the outright animosity has to end for politics to meet in the middle.
  12. Dryxi

    Are we on the verge of a civil war?

    The hopes and dreams of Donald going to prison, or those governors, is extremely small (imo). We will have to wait and see. I love all the declarations that Trump supporters should be put in jail but that seems pretty fascist. Almost seems like throwing opposition political members in jail. In...
  13. Dryxi

    What kind of numbers do you think we'll see on November 3rd?

    Didn't they keep the Senate? And take seats from the majority in the House? I am sorry but the blue tide referred to a blue Congress.. Biden can't do it alone. The tide fell short, unfortunately. Would've been better if we didn't have to deal with a red senate stopping everything, so ya.
  14. Dryxi

    What kind of numbers do you think we'll see on November 3rd?

    didn't :( maybe next time. The blue tide predictions also didn't work out :/ Campaigns failed all over this year lol
  15. Dryxi

    Election Night 2020

    Neither of men we have to choose from. Out of 300,000,000+ people, there should be plenty of other better choices but somehow we end up with this.
  16. Dryxi

    Happy Election Day

    The answer is lesser of two evils voting. When we are forced to choose between 2 parties, voting based on the candidate is impossible.
  17. Dryxi

    Election Night 2020

    He will probably lose the popular vote even if he wins. Power of the Federal government is a little too big when we are so scared of who wins the Presidential seat. Broad over reaching federal policy brings more fear than our own state policies
  18. Dryxi

    When Trump/Trumping goes wrong..

    Why is Kanye on the list? He didn't even make all the state ballots lol
  19. Dryxi

    Election Night 2020

    If Trump wins, we should really discuss the reliability of the blue wave polls. Be interesting if the Senate swaps but keeps Trump in office.
  20. Dryxi

    Happy Election Day

    It matters not. Winning is not the objective. We need more voices and opinions. Not 2 ideologies that many millions of people are unsatisfied with. 5% will give a third party more money to reach voters, maybe with that they reach a good number of voters if only to convince them that we can vote...