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  1. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I took some better pics of my problem. I think its a magnesium deficiency. Which is a big possibility. The floor my pots are on is cool. Nightime temps get down below 70. I think i have plenty of it available but since the soil is cool maybe its not taking it up.
  2. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I learned in soiless you HAVE to feed after they start to develop a few sets of leaves. I stunted my growth by not feeding for a few weeks. The Promix has 0 nutes in it and tap water didnt have enough to keep it going. Once i added nutes they took off like a bat out of hell.
  3. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I think what I have is a calcium deficiency. Not 100% sure but im wondering if ive washed most of the lime out of this Promix? These airpots cause alot of run off. Im a week away from harvest so Im not going to try and correct it. Ill be sure to have Calmag on hand for the next grow.
  4. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I ordered a 24" 6 tier hanging mesh thingy. I can hang it in my grow space and leave the fan run while i start my next batch in the cloning cabinet. I ended up flushing today to try and get rid of some salts to avoid burning them anymore. Then i fed with 1300 ppm. I checked tricombs again and...
  5. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    working on week 6. Pistels are turning brown and most of the tricombs are milky. The DQ filled in finally. I musta got some nute burn this last feed. The tips are all yellow and some spotting. Not bad but just enough to burn. Got a few ideas to improve my area for the next grow. I need to get a...
  6. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    end of the 5th week. Noticed the pots sit around 5.0 or so on the moisture meter till about the 4th or 5th day after a feed then bam it drops to 1.8 or so. I feed everytime i water and havent flushed yet. Noticing no problems. Think im going to have to get a jewelers loupe to really see the...
  7. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    The Blue Cheese seems to drink faster than the Dairy Queens. On the meter(moisture) when the BC is at 1.5 the DQs are still 3.5. Im 2 days into the 5th week of flower. Both strains call for 6 weeks.
  8. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    tried using just the zoom feature on my phone today. Works good but hard to hold still.
  9. selfmedicator462

    Got a new toy today

    zoom feature actually works pretty good. Kinda hard to hold it steady though.
  10. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    The BC is really plumping the buds up but the DQ is really small and popcornish. Wondering if a 600 watt light might be needed next grow for flower. It's big for the room size but my temps are never above 77. Might get a ballast I can run both wattages on
  11. selfmedicator462

    Got a new toy today

    Have not tried zooming the camera yet. Not sure why I never thought of that.
  12. selfmedicator462

    Got a new toy today

    Ebay is loaded with these damn things. so i spent the $5 and got one. It actually works! Its no $300 wireless microscope but it...
  13. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    got me a new toy today. A $5 iphone microscope.......and it works. Not as good as a $300 wireless microscope but good enough for what its for. Its almost a shame to trim the leaves off the buds cause they are loaded with trics.
  14. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    not sure if i should keep increasing nutes. They have handled everything ive tossed at em so far.
  15. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Now feeding at 1700ppm. They are drinking it up faster and faster.
  16. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Did another round of trimming yesterday. It sucked! laying on my back trying to reach in and trim the back two. Next time Ill do it before they are full grown. They are sucking down alot of water now. I used about 7 gallons today.......but i wanted to get some decent run off to flush some of the...
  17. selfmedicator462

    how are these looking?

    Thank you. It was looking grim at first but they turned around! Fed em at 1300ppm yesterday and they are handling nutes great. I am totally out of room in there. I started flower on 12/15/13 so about 1.5 months left.
  18. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    i fed at 1300ppm yesterday. Ill continue to up it every week. Ive read a max of 1500ppm with these nutes. After studying my grow this morning i now have a new the hell am i going to get the screen off the plants to harvest?
  19. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    the DQ is stretching. Not sure if i should try tucking these under since they are so high above the screen.
  20. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Im thinking 4 plants is the MAX i can fit in this space!! These things are literally growing 2" a day at least since i upped the nutes to 1200ppm. Tons of flowers. I hope i have enough height to last another 4 weeks.