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  1. CornerStone

    First journal and first real grow!

    looking good matte! I will stick around if you dont mind
  2. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    huge nug over there matte
  3. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Yeah sometimes shit happens. Good to know you got it!
  4. CornerStone

    Which pH EC monitor?

    Blue lab is expensive but lasts for ever
  5. CornerStone

    110 plants in a 6x6!

    How much did you yield at the end? Nice thread matte
  6. CornerStone

    is this overkill??

    Looking great buddy! I purchased some chine leds and they worked great for me. Sometimes you have to do it yourself and find out on your own way!
  7. CornerStone

    Hey, I'm about to have water issues.

    I would ask a trusted buddy as well
  8. CornerStone

    Can a simple ass setup work?

    under 100$ and really silent. Of course you can build something larger and use some hps. But you will need a good inline fan
  9. CornerStone

    My first grow set up - any advices?

    This one is looking nice for sure. Cant read the temperature or humidity but seems to be a really nice set up. Whats the size of your intake fan?
  10. CornerStone

    Somebody help me!

    Looks like nute burn to me. How was your feeding at this point?
  11. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Hey guys, this is my baby with 2 weeks since it sprouted. Notice a little tip burn on the first true leafs, nothing to freak out but I will be looking closer these days. Im waiting my pot to dry out so I can water her again.
  12. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    This is my baby today with 2 weeks since it sprouted. Im noticing a very litle tip burn on the first true leafs, nothing to freak about. but I will be looking closer these days
  13. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    ohhh yeah now I see lol
  14. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Yeah, thanks for passing by anyway. Ive been reading your posts a lot, I find it really helpfull, especially the classic seeds thread.
  15. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    5ml per liter is not too much for seedlings? I think you typed wrong maybe. You said you are giving less food for older plants thats correct?
  16. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    N nice to hear that! How much Ec? I pressume you use pro tekt and grow formula right?
  17. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    yeah, Ive been reading a lot on Homebrewer treathds abou foliage pro. Afte I empty my bottle of grow I will give a try
  18. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Nice to have you here Homebrewer! So when you start giving nutes to your plants? Before that what you do? Just Ro water? Ro and tap? Like a said Im pretty sure I got something funky in my tap water, I live in Rio De Janeiro and the water treatment around here sucks! They dont even provide any...
  19. CornerStone

    Ways to cool grow box down???

    I heard some people saying that they freeze some bottles of water and throw inside the tent on the hottest hours of the day. Its a lot of work to cool a room down they do it everyday. Here in brazil temperatures are crazy on summer, or you stop growing on summer or you pay a little bit more...
  20. CornerStone

    Questions about this plant: flushing, nute burn, trich maturity, genetics

    looks good matte! You just found a good genetic inna bad seed