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  1. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    nice to hear that. Whats your pot size? My pot takes like 9 days to dry out some layers
  2. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    yeah after mixing the nutes the ph is about 6.2 them I ph down to 6.0
  3. CornerStone

    Help !

    You should wait the medium dry out well before watering again. Maybe you ph is flutuating and she get lock up. did you check the runnof with ph and ppm meter? Also, 4x 23w might be too much for seedlings this size. I run my seedling with just one single 40w clf until week 3 them I use more light.
  4. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Heard someone saying that in one of those Homebrewer posts. Guess when my bottle end up I will look after foliage pro and try it
  5. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    I see your point. First I mix pro tekt and it brings the ph to 6.9 -7.1 them I mix the grow formula and brings back to 5.9 - 6.2 the ph of my Ro water starts on 6 In the beggining I always measure the runnof and is always 6.7 rock steady. Probably because of sunshine mix.
  6. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Yeah. what I aid was based on .5 scale or Hanna
  7. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    She got the third set of leaves. Yes, Im letting it dry out nicely
  8. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Nute water. I just watered 2 times since it sprouted. she will be 2 weeks tomorrow. First week I mix 50ppm into my RO water, second week 80ppm.
  9. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Im kind paraoid about my tap water. Almost sure that it has something funky in it. My previous grow was a mess and I was just using tap. Now things are way way better at the 2 week so far. Do you think 50 - 80ppm is to much for 2 weeks old seedling?
  10. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    How much in ppm would be that? I just measure nutes with ppm, dont use ml per gallon.
  11. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Didnt know about that. I thought it was inert. So you say I should water just with plain RO? But RO doesnt got almost anything (3ppm) so no buffers, the ph would be flutuating doesnt it? My tap water is 350ppm+ so I need to stick with RO water.
  12. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    This is my little baby by the way. In this picture she is one week since it sprouted, Tomorrow I will post a picture of her with 2 weeks. Cheers!
  13. CornerStone

    Dyna-gro Nutrients

    Are you guys familiar with their nutrients? After reading a lot on the internet I decided to buy their product. I just want to go simple with my growing and dont want a lot of aditives and fancy bottles with fancy names. This is what I purchased: I also buyed a bottle of Cal-Mag since Im...
  14. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Hello guys just a quick update here. Tomorrow my baby will complete the second week since it sprouted, the pot didnt dry out from the last week water so I will wait a little bit more to water her. Im using RO water and giving her a little feed (one water 50ppm first week) (one water 80ppm second...
  15. CornerStone

    Slinger's 8x4 Double Ended HPS Fun Run

    looks good mate!
  16. CornerStone

    1000w Hydro DWC 4x4 Tent

    that looks pretty good matte!
  17. CornerStone

    Coco problems, need help asap!!

    looks like ph flutuations to me
  18. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Quick update here guys. This is my baby with 1 week since it sprouted. To germinate I used the paper towel technique. Next week I post more pictures of her. Cheers :weed:
  19. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Thanks for sharing the link buddy:weed:
  20. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Thanks Matte!