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  1. doby mick

    the smell of weed

    Dip it in the Mersey and that will make it smell lol no only joking
  2. doby mick

    Info on Sure Fire Seed strains

    @Theskunkmunky thanks alot i feel alot better about trying these BB Beans, your pictures are proper and the bud looks proper dank too i did try too get some firestarter beans but had no joy, I am in the middle of a multi strain grow 2 AK47 BY SErious seeds 2 Dready Cheese by dready Bob 2 THC...
  3. doby mick

    Info on Sure Fire Seed strains

    Hi i was just wanting too know any info on Blazing Blues by Surefire seeds. Is it anything like the Original Blues (livers cut )?
  4. doby mick

    1 plant grow?

    I have been growing weed in the loft for the past 4 years Nothing special was needed just Good Soil A good light some quality seeds and alot of patients and some TLC and a Whole lot of luck. You will be surprized at what quality weed you can produce from home, at the momment im smoking some...
  5. doby mick

    A Quote from my 11 year old son

    Hi there everyone seasons greetings to you all, Well here goes a couple of weeks ago my son was at school and was being abit of a hand full and a window got smashed and he was told your parents will be getting the bill, well the local preast was there and had seen what had happened and felt it...
  6. doby mick

    Best Strawberry Strains

    Have you tryed Strawberry By Spliff Seeds Its proper and it feels greasy it so covered in THC and at the momment they are on special at Sensible seeds £20 for 5 fems £4 each happy days you wont be disapointed with this one.
  7. doby mick

    Any Swiss Stoners outthere for advice about buying seeds in Zurich

    I would buy online if there was a decent way too pay as the Company whos seeds (Blue Hemp) i wish too buy want your money in envelope and sent, well dont know about you but i dont do things like that as i work very hard for my cash.
  8. doby mick

    Any Swiss Stoners outthere for advice about buying seeds in Zurich

    HY there all at RIU i was just wondering about the avialabilty of Cannabis seeds in Zurich as my son visits Zurich once a month for work but he is a very straight goa and wont do anything that is abit dodgy but who can blame him 23 years old and a 35 g a year job he doesnt have too. anyway any...
  9. doby mick

    Bomb THC Bomb

    I would go with this one as it gives nice yeilds of quality weed, you wont be diiapionted
  10. doby mick

    Info on California Representative Jeff Denham

    I Think you stoners in the states should be very careful as i recon that they are finding out as much as they can about whos a toker and whos not and then they will bust you all, so i would be reluctant to tust any goverment I hope i am wrong as i have got some very close freinds in the states
  11. doby mick

    uk soil amsterdam grow

    Hi there Strawberry im using Plagron Bat mix and and a few extra bits and my results are second to none and my weed is as good as anything you can buy out of any coffee shop, i have just finished a Dready Cheese grow and wow i blown my own mind, also just done Kosher Kush, fuck its strong needs...
  12. doby mick

    wondering what i have got too come.

    I was just wondering what Lost Coast OG By E.T.seeds is like too smoke as i have just cropped mine and am just wondering if its a good smoke or not, whats the taste like ? How strong is it ? and will it be alright to smoke while on holiday ? what i mean by that is will it make me to couch lock...
  13. doby mick

    Emerald Triangle Seed Co.; Opinions?

    Hi everyone i think we have tobe very careful here as i have been doing ET stuff now for a while and would say like with any plant you get problems, even when good genetics are being used, i sometimes think that you will get more problems with good genetics, i was warned about the hermi problems...
  14. doby mick

    To all Californians, prop 215/ sb420 is bull shit

    Hi there US Stoners im in UK and thought that the 215 thing was a joke, but thought that is why prop Z was started or am i wrong. Here in the UK The Police are robbing bastards, once when i got bust a load of Cheese went missing and some cash they left the other weed as it werent that good, it...
  15. doby mick

    Barney's seeds... WARNING Acapulco Gold seeds are mutated

    Dont be too gutted i have grown both LSD and Acapulco Gold done 10 of each and tobe honest i got 3 phenos from the LSD but only 1 was worth anything, although wouldnt do it again and the acapulco gold had a least 5 phenos which is weird seen as it meant be landrace, I think everything that...
  16. doby mick

    Hi again just a quick line to ask how things are going ? good i hope, things are good here, even...

    Hi again just a quick line to ask how things are going ? good i hope, things are good here, even the wheather, can you beleive it ? My kids keep me nice and busy and the 2 Grandkids so cant moan as theres never a bored momment, anyway keep blazing and hope good kama keeps coming your way. Doby...
  17. doby mick

    Hi fatty who is the breeder of the OG Raskal you recomended, thanx Doby MIck

    Hi fatty who is the breeder of the OG Raskal you recomended, thanx Doby MIck
  18. doby mick

    dr.greenthumb ripped me off

    Rip off is quite a serious allegation, what have you done to achieve a sollution, as i have had dealings with drgreenthumb but had no problems, except they did take a long time too come , but they are in Canada and im in U.K.
  19. doby mick

    Question about clones

    Thanks guys i feel alot better about the whole thing now
  20. doby mick

    Question about clones

    I was wondering that if you get clones that have been rooted in rocwall Hydroponicaly can they then be moved into soil and if so what sort of problems will i expreince and how would i conbat them.