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  1. doby mick

    Emerald Jack Grow

    I just finished a 70 day Emerald Jack Grow and it was worth every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every mounth, me thinks you get the idea now, what a smoke like nothing you ever tasted, very morish if you know what i mean. I have just rolled a big fatty only complaint is the...
  2. doby mick

    Start again

    I se that everyone has suffered from whatever it was that has caused alot people to start allover again with your posts and also all my history has gone too. I have read that some people think that its got something todo with the feds, well im in u.k. so what use would my details be too the...
  3. doby mick

    My Profile has been reset? Any Idea WTF happened anyone?

    Hi everyone i hope the fuck someone has nt stolen my details. As my job could be at risk which is fucking crazy, we are treated like crimanals because we smoke a little bit of ganja, i spend 6 hours a day getting stressed so when i get home i just like to chill with a nice spliiff and spend the...