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  1. doby mick

    Strain help?

    Hi Redfrogs i have done alot of these strains the E.T. stuff is Quality D.N.A. Reserva privada and SeriousAK47 but forget the Barneys farm stuff as it crap this is only a personal opinion, weak, not stable hermi problems and that just to start with.
  2. doby mick

    How much an eighth???

    Here in U.K. £45 an 1/8 High grade
  3. doby mick

    cheap vac device for BHO

    Hi there mat i hope you dont mind me just jumping in but just watched your Videos with baited breath and enjoyed them a great deal and you have certainly help me decide what i will be doing with all my waste from now on, being in the U.K. and having to grow indoor under the radar i dont get any...
  4. doby mick

    High everybody

    Welcome my freind build a big Fatty:joint: and get questioning
  5. doby mick

    5N.Y.P.D. Binned

    Gutted had 5 N.Y.C.P.D. but didnt have enough room in my flowing room, tryed my hardest to give them away, but everyone i spoke to about them went paranoid, so in the end they were binned.
  6. doby mick

    Fuck off you may say, but its true.

    The excuse was so lame i dont even want to repete it on here, as beleive me if my boss heard this one again he would know where it came from lol
  7. doby mick

    Fuck off you may say, but its true.

    Bollocks to getting baked on the bong and then trying to go to work and things, this morning got up half an hour early so that i could get a couple of bowls in before work, BIG MISTAKE never again, i dont know what i done but first of all we had dramas with the lift but ended up 25 mins in the...
  8. doby mick

    Cali connection good or bad?

    I love there finished product but get pissed off with paying top dollar for 5 out of 6 hermis if i was going todo C.C. gear i would stick to the regs as there seems tobe something going on with the fems, me thinks
  9. doby mick

    Freebies by spliff seeds

    I just got a neviles Haze as a freebie its by Spliff Seeds and what concerns me is when reading the imfo on the packaging it says that at 7 weeks these plants will produce nannas, but wont have any pollen in them, well that does worry me somewhat as am i realy prepared to take the chance being 7...
  10. doby mick

    £66 for a fucking bunch of hermis

  11. doby mick

    Pick or fim that is the question

    HI there i was wondering if anyone had grown out Lost Coast O.G. by E.T. and what i wanted to know is how she proformed after being picked or fimmed as i know some plants dont like it, anyways i hope someone can clear this up for me as my babys are just about popped and ready to plant.
  12. doby mick

    Cheer myself up

    806 i have done EJ b4 and its proper dank infact one of my alltime favourites, so be patient and you will be richly rewarded, so keep your chin up and keep blazing
  13. doby mick

    Fuck cali con seeds

    I am quite new to growing but thought stick with the bigger companys and should be alright, well already cal con have cost me a few hundred pound as they are not cheap are they, i think my first lot cost me £14 each from Picknmix, had problems with them and put it down to lnexperienced but now...
  14. doby mick

    Cheer myself up

    Hi everyone after my shit start to the day my tahoe og hermied, so i decided to treat myself to some new beans, so brought myself some E.T. Lost coast O.G. and Emerald Jack and got some freebies thrown in by Spliff seeds got a couple of nevilles Haze and a couple of Jack F1s so now the fun...
  15. doby mick

    What brand of bulb works good with a 600w dimable/Digital ballast

    Hi there i had the same problem about 3 months ago, and all i would say to you is when you buy your new bulb make sure its digital compatable, as i did nt relize that they have different bulbs for digital and magnetic ballasts. I went with philips in the end i think it was green power. Anyway i...
  16. doby mick

    £66 for a fucking bunch of hermis

    What the fuck is going on i done 6 C.C. Kosher Kush {fems} and all but 1 have hermied on me. Poor show me thinks these beans were nt cheap eather, Oh well back to the drawing board for me, i will just have to get super baked to make up for the disserpointment, sorry about the gramma and the...
  17. doby mick

    CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge

    Hi there i sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure im not dreaming as my weed is so good, That may sound very big headed but i can assure its not. I have never been good at anything all my life and now at 47 years of age i realize that i have extreme green fingers and no i havent been...
  18. doby mick

    Decent commercial strain... that doesn't completely suck.

    Hi there you can see by the name i like to grow moby dick and have done for nearly 3 years after making freinds in Spain, i hope your mobys are by Dinafem as you will love them anyway have you tryed Northern lights by nirvana as i have done that one to great sucksess and not too expensive. All...
  19. doby mick

    Trouble for seeds?

    I would leave the fucking things is it worth compromising your whole operation for 2 beans, i should co co. They would have tobe gold, just go and roll a big:bigjoint: and chill bro, all the best Doby Mick
  20. doby mick

    Cali Connection Tahoe OG Feminized - wtf?

    Hi Bro if it makes you feel better i am 6 weeks into flower with the Budha Tahoe O.G. by Big Buddha Seeds and have been throught with problems, i am nearly 6 weeks into flower on 2 of these but the buds are very small compared to most strains i grow or is there something wrong? I am not computer...