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  1. doby mick

    when to harvest

    As grennpower said it depens, i usely wait untill there is a third clear a third cloudy and a third amber and you cant go wrong.
  2. doby mick

    Leaching my plants

    NIce one wetdog the simpler the better for me i must admit im getting into my gardening, it must be the age, me thinks. Well time to medicate :joint: now so the best time of the day for me 2 bowls and a fatty and happy days.
  3. doby mick

    Leaching my plants

    Quite simple then wetdog, i will try this and see if it makes any difference
  4. doby mick

    Leaching my plants

    Hi RIU uses a little question here for anyone who wants to explain leaching to me, it is just the same flushing or is it? and when would you leach your plants and why? This might sound a stupid question but when the only garden i have ever owned, is a window box, then youll understand, anyway...
  5. doby mick

    give me the bad news

    my thoughts exactly
  6. doby mick

    What strain is this?

    :-?The Name says it all, Adgas you could get your crystal ball out, :spew:
  7. doby mick

    Silver Cheese By Big Buddha

    Fair comment Dankerous, i see where you are coming from and am starting to think that through, but that can be hard, when stoned, if you know what i mean.
  8. doby mick

    Hunting down the perfect strain.

    All briliant answers, ohmy i would love to fly alover the world collecting seeds and smoking with some decent people
  9. doby mick

    Anyone looking to grow a proper bit of green.

    Hi Everyone just finished a 9 week flower of Blue Hemps Lebanese hash plant What a nice bit of green and very nice surprize as was only done as an extra, but has blown all the so called good weeds out the water, i would like to know if anyone else has done this one and what they thought? As i...
  10. doby mick

    Silver Cheese By Big Buddha

    Revo you hit the nail right onthe head, i dont realy get into all this bitching, i like the B.B.C. and couple of the other strains but also like some of the dinafem stuff aswell as sweet seeds,and Emerald Triangle seeds blue hemp to mention just a few, i dont care where the genetics come from as...
  11. doby mick

    Silver Cheese By Big Buddha

    WELL i have grown out super silver Cheese by R.D.G. and was inpressed with it but i wonder what the buddha one is gonna be like, if its anythink like RDG one will be well pleased, time too build a fatty :joint:
  12. doby mick

    How's the weed in Ireland now?

    No Disrespect but have not only been to visit some of these countrys you mention But have lived in them and can assure you that i know what high grade is Having lived in , nepal holland and spain and grown and smoked in all of them countrys. I am a 100% Organic indoor grower and dont...
  13. doby mick

    WTF? My timer didn't switch last night!

    Smooth i gone through about 5 timers now but got fed up with worrien about my ladys so finaly invested in a black box timer contactor, expensive but worth it just for piece of mind, out of the 5 times this happened only had 1 lot hermi on me and that was martian mean green and we have had...
  14. doby mick

    How's the weed in Ireland now?

    You lot would love me then as too mates £180 an Too anyone else £220 and its always high grade and thats in the south
  15. doby mick

    My planned 2012 crop

    Good luck in your quest and hope that after all your hard work the feds dont find your crop as 6 mounths is a long time for something too stay hidden.
  16. doby mick

    More Please Can i have seconds

    Reveg i am just about too reveg 1 of my emerald jack plants any advice would be appreciated, now for another :joint:
  17. doby mick

    Trust is a funny thing

    Gutted someone ive trusted for a long time and realy looked after has hurt me bad, how do you regane your trust in anyone after this. I hope you are reading this Paul Youve done more than steal off of me but you also went about it in a bad way, you know what i mean. You will never be free to...
  18. doby mick

    One for the diehards outhere

    Thanks for your input canna thats exactly what i wanted and youve made up my mind £50 for hermies
  19. doby mick

    5 weeks veg, no nodes at all. Need help!

    Yes totaly i agree but sometimes its easier to cut corners with some people
  20. doby mick

    Forgotten Times

    I couldnt of said it better myself Capt