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  1. doby mick

    5 weeks veg, no nodes at all. Need help!

    Everyone says that and must addmit did think that myself about being to hot for seedlins but have been doing samething for past 2 years and havent had a problemwith it , infact i think that starting my seeds off in such a hot mix as it gets them ready for the onset of nutes
  2. doby mick

    Forgotten Times

    Hello Everyone just a short note to remind a few people out there that we all started somewhere so dont forget the times you were there wondering about something you were doing and wondering if it was right or wrong, so heres to all them haters out there kiss-ass mother fuckers.
  3. doby mick

    Help! My wall sockets are melting! (still)

    Rather you than me, sorry about that mine got hot once but never melted, this is pretty frighting as could cause fire when my sockets started getting warm i called a mate who does grow him self and he came and looked and said that i needed a contactor, which i went and bought and it did stop...
  4. doby mick


    Neglect i found that you just leave them alone and they will do the rest, so sit down and roll a fatty and chill it will happen.
  5. doby mick

    5 weeks veg, no nodes at all. Need help!

    Everyone has to start somewhere just stay possitive and do some reading about the life cycle of cannabis plants. I would start by getting a good quality soil I.E. Plagron Bat mix is what im using and have found that there are enough nutes in this soil to keep your plant going for the first 8...
  6. doby mick

    Quick question - how long...

    I think that depens on a few things, Are you vegging it outside or under light, how good is the soil, has it got plenty of food in it. Dalek is right about 2 weeks
  7. doby mick

    A number of issues all at once

    If that does nt work try and get some vitality + as this kills the eggs aswell and one spray and you will be mite free, it is quite expensive but does what it says on the bottle, and like swaGger said learn from this and never take plants from anyone again as you find that 90% of mites are...
  8. doby mick

    Is my baby ready for flowering?????

    I am in 100% agreement with Missnu, you can see from your photos that your plant has nute burns on leaves, and left alone for a cople of weeks and it will recover.
  9. doby mick

    bomb out that i have lost all my photos and grow journals

    well and truely pissed off that i have lost all my photos and grow journals and it took my son ages to talk me through it all as im new to the computer, so other uses be patient with the Doby mick.
  10. doby mick

    Germination Problem

    Or try one of these pre payed credit cards what you do is send the seed company a email asking if you could do this and then what you do is make your order and then just pay in whats been spent, i have done this with a few different seed companys and they can only take out whats been payed in so...
  11. doby mick

    2 weeks left, 1000w moby dick, pinapple chunk

    Me thinks your going tobe happy wiyh the moby dick is it by Dinafem ? if so you wont be dissapionted with the quality or yield, one of my alltime smokes.
  12. doby mick

    Germination Problem

    BBbubblegum where the hell are you? on the moon There is nowhere you cant get decent beans and when you get some beans and come too germating them try doing it in Womans breast pads that you can find in any supermarket or pharmacy I have just found that for some reason i get a better germination...
  13. doby mick

    One for the diehards outhere

    The Dog Kush i have just been recomended this one but have not heard of this one so thought i would ask some of the diehard growers outhere amounst you for there oppinion? Any info would be appreciated, all the best Doby Mick
  14. doby mick

    Hunting down the perfect strain.

    I would try something like Blueberry Headband, or Cheeseberry haze by eskobar or Chocolate Rain All very heavy hitters and good yield and quite easy to look after
  15. doby mick

    Am i in heaven? N o im in my grow room.

    I was just in my grow room and for a minute i thought i had died and gone too heaven Wow I dont know what im doing right but i certainly am and when i see my creation it just makes me glad tobe a stoner. Im blazing a fatty and pumping out the K.M.K. on the stereo what more do you want out of...
  16. doby mick

    Emerald Jack Grow

    Piped Dreams the answer to your question yes i did fems Under a grow star hood with son t nav 2 bulb on 600 watt dimmerable digital lummertec ballast , backed up with 150 watt maxibright digital ballast with metal halide bulb and yes i have got some photos, but you will have tobe patient with me...
  17. doby mick

    U.K. Loft grower of insane strains

    Thats abit wierd all my favourite smokes originate from your neck of the woods Arik Maso cali. Your very lucky to have the wheather and the law on side, here in U.K. we have to grow indoors under lights and also we have tobe careful as the law often do flyovers with F.L.I.R. or someone smells...
  18. doby mick

    U.K. Loft grower of insane strains

    I like L.A. Cheese and Casey Jones, but smoking Emerald Jack at mo and top quality smoke
  19. doby mick

    U.K. Loft grower of insane strains

    Hi Fellow Smokers At the momment i am growing a nice selection of weeds to keep me and the wife going for a while, have you noticed though the more you have the more you want as everytime i start a new grow i say that im going too do a few less and it always ends up more and cant realy work out...
  20. doby mick

    Plagron Bat Mix with 7 different strains.

    Hi Tokers Been growing for a few years now and have decided that Plagron Bat Mix serves me well as i find there are plenty of nutes in the soil to keep most plants happy for the first 6 weeks of grow and after that i will feed the plant once a week with bio grow and bio bloom hammer head npk...