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  1. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Air cooled lights and modified window ac unit. No c02?

    I like the sounds of that. I guess the big idea besides better plant growth with c02 is u can get more end weight like u grew more plants
  2. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Air cooled lights and modified window ac unit. No c02?

    If u use a ac system how does it not suck c02 out theu its intake? Everyone uses ac to a certain point
  3. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Air cooled lights and modified window ac unit. No c02?

    Wow... thanks guys. Ill have to rethink my venting.
  4. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Air cooled lights and modified window ac unit. No c02?

    Im running a 1000 watt hps and mh. The c02 is to give to the plants. So if i dont have the other end of the light sealed it will be a waste to add c02 right?
  5. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Air cooled lights and modified window ac unit. No c02?

    So if im running both of these things how do i add c02 to my spare bedroom ill be growing in? Wont they just push the c02 to my venting spot in my attic or filter it thru the ac?
  6. CarlBrutananadilewski

    O zone generator advice

    O thats all i need to hear. Is there anywhere online u guys recomend good but cheaper carbon filters?
  7. CarlBrutananadilewski

    O zone generator advice

    Theyre pretty expensive and i have a 8 in hurricane at 750 cfm so a little smaller than i want for said room. So i was thinking not only is the o zone generator cheaper but i can just keep the smell in the room
  8. CarlBrutananadilewski

    O zone generator advice

    So do these devices work good at killing the smell in the veg and bloom rooms. I dont plan on living in these rooms and theyre pretty much sealed. Ill let them air out for a hour or so before entering bc of the high levels of o zone
  9. CarlBrutananadilewski

    To grow in a tent or use the entire room

    Why u braging man lol
  10. CarlBrutananadilewski

    To grow in a tent or use the entire room

    Ive always gone with a mh for veg and a hps for bloom. I just thought i could get out cheap lol. O well... Have any of you guys ever used a ozone generator to kill the smell in ur grow spaces. I know they can be toxic at high concentrations to humans but i dont think they kill the plant or...
  11. CarlBrutananadilewski

    To grow in a tent or use the entire room

    This leads me to my next question. Should i get a metal halide bulb instead of using my hps the whole grow. The grow shop manager told me all i needed was a hps the whole grow. Apparently hps keep the plants shorter and stockier. Is this any good?
  12. CarlBrutananadilewski

    To grow in a tent or use the entire room

    So is there any big advantages to growing in a big tent as opposed to a big room?
  13. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Mother plant pot sizing

    I like abit a perilite in my mix. Ill be using botanicares coco bagged stuff with the less perilite in it
  14. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Mother plant pot sizing

    I plan on treating her like shes in soil. But using the aeration of the coco to my advantage. Watering every three or so days
  15. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Mother plant pot sizing

    Thats a good idea!
  16. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Mother plant pot sizing

    Yeah 10 gal sounds good hut this is a learning experience so ill start there and see if it needs to get bigger? How big b4 you can take clones on your mother plant?
  17. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Mother plant pot sizing

    So im going to get a good mother plant she will be living in botanicares coco with a little perilite in it. What size smart pot is good to give her roots enough room to be happy for years to come? Or is that possible?
  18. CarlBrutananadilewski


  19. CarlBrutananadilewski

    Arizona joining in the legalization

    So im from az but im curious as to how this will play out here. Are the medical dispensarys going to sell the recreational herb alongside with clones and seeds? How does it work in colorado washington Oregon?