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  1. dr.tree

    Calling all chemists and botanists! Let's put an end to overpriced nutes!

    Blending your own fertilizer would take a lot of time to get it right. I've seen it done but the result were sub par after a few years of him trying. Not that it can't be done I just think that even $1500 worth of fertilizer is saving money over a few carp grows. If you want cheap and dank make...
  2. dr.tree

    Starting Flowering Stage - Best Additives for High Yeild?

    There are three stages if bud development each needing different things to reach the potential of the plant.
  3. dr.tree

    Better Bud Thread

    These are a key to unlocking huge dank yields most people use them with out even knowing. There is a give and take relationship with hormones they modify the end results of your bud by relieving the plant of it's duty of having to manufacture them, causing them to focus more on packing on the...
  4. dr.tree

    Starting Flowering Stage - Best Additives for High Yeild?

    Canna is top notch. Have a few friends that use it and from what I've seen it the only brand that compares to the lb.'s that a.n. put on
  5. dr.tree

    Better Bud Thread

    Your stupid. And hydro is not how to grow better buds more yes better no way. High Times cannabis cup tested 26 strains over 20% last year all had one thing in common grown in soil. I think that you're in the wrong thread this one is better buds not how to grow a bunch of crappie hydro
  6. dr.tree

    10K Lighting ?

    Hell Ya it works if it causes cancer and illegal in ca. It's gotta be good. If your looking for the full cancer affect make sure to use a ton of bud hardener too.
  7. dr.tree

    Starting Flowering Stage - Best Additives for High Yeild?

    And a.n. are good and simple to use
  8. dr.tree

    Starting Flowering Stage - Best Additives for High Yeild?

    To each there own. I get excellent results with it, I have tried almost everything a.n. makes and these are the ones that I get noticeable results from. I sure there's cheap way s to grow but that's not what the question was.
  9. dr.tree

    Better Bud Thread

    Shit I forgot to mention the best additive it makes everything better 100% of the time. Here it the trick once a day you go into you flower room and take a number 3 all over your buds, no other additive gives you instant results like this methodology. All organic to boot. Supper sticky buds adds...
  10. dr.tree

    Starting Flowering Stage - Best Additives for High Yeild?

    A.n. are good shit just a lot of people hate on them for the fact as a company their in it to make money, and over priced. That being said I use them and won't stop, very easy to use mixes in any combination at 5.8 p.h. I haven't checked p.h. in years. This is a great bare bones recipe -lol-...
  11. dr.tree

    Better Bud Thread

    Just one of my worthless thoughts but, more than just color I think that low temperature towards the end really actually causes you end results to be better looking smelling and tastings.
  12. dr.tree

    Channel + by Medical seeds (spanish co.) smoke report

    Anyone grow this channel+ sounds like a winner
  13. dr.tree

    24/0 vs. 18/6 debate is over!!!!

    hps all the way 24/0- why because it's easy- the bag that the dirt comes in works great as the pot.
  14. dr.tree

    4x 1000 watt questions set up cost and e bill

    2p per 1k is where it's t 1p per 1k is ok any less and you will want some Prozac
  15. dr.tree

    10K Lighting ?

    10k 600w and 1000w for the last week or weeks are awesome. Been using them for a wile you can 100%tell a difference
  16. dr.tree

    Can this be done????

    Bad idea for sure
  17. dr.tree

    channel+ med. seeds

    Looks interesting, wondering if anyone has given it a run. Fast and dank?
  18. dr.tree

    THC Bomb from Bomb Seeds

    13 weeks that better be with 5 vedge
  19. dr.tree

    'I got 50 ounces out of a 4x4 tent' guy

    I love tents!!!
  20. dr.tree

    Better Bud Thread

    I like the low temperature trick but just for the end few weeks. Too hot = no smell