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  1. dr.tree

    1000wt 1 plant scrog Deathstar

    I like your pure mi. Style, nice D-star!
  2. dr.tree

    Growing ALOT of plants in a small space

    A lot of plants will shave a few weeks off. Higher yield per watt but having a lot of plants like 300 is a Fed. Crime and a big no no. In all reality big plants are best form a legal stand point. Small plant are UN-American. At least that what I think the gov. Is trying to teach us. And man have...
  3. dr.tree

    Bigger Yields For Sure

    Ya, a mongo frog is right. Also anyone who is a legal med grower is not going to grow small plants if they can help it. Being restricted on plant numbers will change how you grow. Sure small plant stuffed close together is a great way to grow just not for anyone from around here. Big lights...
  4. dr.tree

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    .098¢ a kw might be why our opinion and style differ, I've seen some of the heavest yield form friends that used coco
  5. dr.tree

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    A 400 watt light will work but they are not capable of producing enough candle power to provide maximum potential. Also they are not efficient they just less watts but two 400 will put out about the same amount of light as one 600, 600watters at e the most efficient way to grow hands down. The...
  6. dr.tree

    ?.... help

    100% pre flower your plants are telling you that they are mature enough and can be flowered. They can be grown bigger if you have the light/space
  7. dr.tree

    ?.... help

    It probably just pre flower. Looks like you popped some bag seed. Don't worry about it if it I'd s auto there isn't anything you can do to stop it.
  8. dr.tree

    White Widow X Bigbud

    I have a pack of rags started what kind of phenotype should I look for? Is it stable?
  9. dr.tree

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Got to vent the air out of the room. If you can don't use a closet temps will go crazy fast. I have used panda film to make a temporary room. Good air flo is key. Best word of advice is don't cheap out on the fans that cool your light.
  10. dr.tree

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    Hps all the way is way good. The smallest anyone should go is a 600 if you have the $$$ get a dimmable 1000. Tents are awesome and I highly recommend them. Also heat from one 1000 Is not bad to deal with, blow it out the window in the summer and plum it into the vent in the winter. Just don't...
  11. dr.tree

    Dimmable ballast cons ?

    I've been using them for years with none failing. I never use the dimmable feature on the 600 I think it is more useful on a 1000. As long as a clone has roots it will handle a 600 without dimming.___ More light faster growth. Big bag of dirt big bag of buds ___
  12. dr.tree

    Bigger Yields For Sure

    A bag of dirt that you buy at the hydro store is 10 gallons if you rip it open and put a clone in it works great. The difference in ten to twenty gallon showed small gains for me but maybe if you had the room you benefit enough to justify it
  13. dr.tree

    best meds for my 83 year old grandma with bad back arthritis

    I got a 24% cbd tincture and a vappen for her. She has been using it for a week. Not sure if she can tell a difference I might put a little boh in with the cbd tincture to get more pain killer affect
  14. dr.tree

    Bigger Yields For Sure

    Wish I could give you a answer but my experience with coco is limited to s few buds that use it. I did hydro for a long time. I'm a converted dirt bagger. But coco is more like hydro. In hydro I've seen three gallon container put out a huge plant. But five gallon hydro bucket is as big as I...
  15. dr.tree

    Bigger Yields For Sure

    I call bull shit on two pounds under a six hundred. big pots are important and I give you that and it is something that is over looked. My rule of thumb is one once per gallon of soil Is about what a you can get. Now hydro and coco are a little different.
  16. dr.tree

    Sweet deal! Discount on killer nutes!

    I'm a huge fan of the easy way, I grow in the bag that the dirt comes in. That's my lazy trick. Works great!
  17. dr.tree

    Sweet deal! Discount on killer nutes!

    Killer grow bozo, rocking buds, and on the cheap-dirty cheap, look like a great gram per watt set up. What is the g per w if you don't mind telling everyone.
  18. dr.tree

    Sweet deal! Discount on killer nutes!

    I really like how they break down different elements need per week in ppm' s. I'm a a.n. lover. But this company approach seems very solid. Very intriguing.
  19. dr.tree

    Silk road owner arrested/ bitcoin crash

    I'm with blunt
  20. dr.tree

    Nute burn or nute deficient??? (PICS)

    Just my 2¢ Fox farm kinda sucks. Good buds can be grown with it, but the yield is sad panda.