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  1. Virulent Amoeba

    Nirvana seeds

    Bean day! 13 days from order to my door! I love getting the breeder packs!
  2. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    Bean day! 13 days from order to my door! I love getting the breeder packs!
  3. Virulent Amoeba

    15% discount at attitude seed bank!!

    Bean day! 13 days from order to my door! I love getting the breeder packs!
  4. Virulent Amoeba

    Welcome New Members!

    Number of leaves means nothing.. It's the flowers that make a difference.
  5. Virulent Amoeba

    Ph tester

    If you do it before every feeding there is less chance of error.
  6. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    Well now what a pleasant surprise! All 3 White Rhino are already showing thier second set of true leaves. :hump: not bad for 3 days. Plus a couple of pics of other plants.
  7. Virulent Amoeba

    15% discount at attitude seed bank!!

    Who said they were advertising? I as a member of this board, and a customer posted this. Nothing more Nothing less.
  8. Virulent Amoeba

    Things to Know About Lighting

    How dry do you let the soil get between waterings?
  9. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    well 2 days in and the tap roots are coming out the bottom of the jiffy plugs as much as 3". Transplanted into a mix of 1 Part Perilite to 3.5 parts Miravle Grow(I don't EVEN want to hear it! you pay the shipping for soil for me and I will more than gladly use anything you suggest!) Misted the...
  10. Virulent Amoeba

    Successful germinating seeds from seed banks

    no, but it doesn't hurt anything either.
  11. Virulent Amoeba

    Successful germinating seeds from seed banks

    Same way I have for 29 years. Soak in a glass of water(luke warm) for 8-10 hours., Then place them in a lightly moistened paper towel, sealed in a baggy kept in a warm dark place.
  12. Virulent Amoeba

    15% discount at attitude seed bank!!

    someone had a bad week, you gonna be ok B?
  13. Virulent Amoeba

    Warning: Nirvana Seeds Wont Sprout!!!!

    If the seeds Germinated(Cracked open) but didn't come up out of the soil, then difficulty is with the PEBCAK. Old computer technician lingo. Means: Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard! That soil is WAY too dry for those newly germinated seeds to come up!! Can't believe noone spotted...
  14. Virulent Amoeba

    Successful germinating seeds from seed banks

    ~85% germination rate Nirvana 5 of 6 started are above soil.
  15. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    the second HK has now peeked up thru the soil. :)
  16. Virulent Amoeba

    Oregon! First to legalize?

    The beauty of the US constitution is it CAN be amended! in 5 letters.....NORML Marijuana Law Reform - NORML
  17. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    I would swear this is a baby ladybug, which I take as a good omen. light green with black spots, Winged.
  18. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    As you can see these two got the worst of the cold snap, they do however continue to recover though so not all is lost.
  19. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    While this kid isn't showing off it's "Glory", it shows Great promise. Photos 3 & 4 were an attempt at showing her first flowers, but seems it wasn't as effective as I hoped.
  20. Virulent Amoeba

    VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

    Finally I am caught up!!! woot. First we have the various kiddies in the Jiffy tray. As you can see by the labeling the WR is on the left, the HK on the right. In the middle we have wonder seed, as I WONDER what they are! lol Next 3 photos are of the plant that is currently the best growing...