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  1. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    how much to you usually get per plant on average?
  2. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    looks fine now since you trimmed it up, the bag seed plant that i had like that looked fine after I trimmed it to but it is still real leafy when I broke up the main cola into littler buds.
  3. M

    Secret Basement Grow

    you should look at the busted underground pot bunker in Tennessee. Pot Farm if thats the kind of scale I think you talking about you need way more cash.
  4. M

    clone with yellow leaf?

    I wouldn't worry. My clones almost always start to turn a little yellow about three days before I can see that they have plenty of roots and need to be repotted.
  5. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    They look good, The bagseed plant that I just harvested a week ago was crazy like you last pic I have no idea what caused it to do that either.
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    Church and Cheese Grow

    Thanks I will definitely post the final results, but we are a long way off of that still 9.5 weeks.
  7. M

    Hang drying for a month???

    are you sure they said you should hang them for a month not "cure" them for a month. I personally have never heard of anyone hang for a month but I am only on my third grow now so take that for what you will.
  8. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    I just gave my flowering babies there first dose of flowering nutes I only gave them a half dose just to be safe. Using fox farm liquid line so far so great.
  9. M

    Anybody havin problems ordering off

    I did indeed get my package today from htgsupply that I order on sat. Good as usual
  10. M

    How short can I keep my plants?

    main budsite on the plant that consists of many small buds grown tightly together to appear as one really large bud.
  11. M

    roots or no roots?

    when it starts to show new growth you know it has rooted.
  12. M

    How short can I keep my plants?

    LST-LOW STRESS TRAINING. You can check the growfaq for a more detailed step by step process with pics. Lsting is bending the main or side branches of the plant slowly over time to get the plant to grow along the ground or around a pot instead of straight up. Once the plant has a good root...
  13. M

    How short can I keep my plants?

    you will have to do some lsting(low stress training) to keep them real short, but it can be done. Make sure you can control the heat coming off you HPS.
  14. M

    3 weeks in (pics)

    looks healthy but a little small for three weeks. How tall are they? What kind of setup are you using?
  15. M

    Anybody havin problems ordering off

    I order from them all the time never had a problem with them. good customer service too. I just order some stuff on sat. and it is supposed to be here today according to the ups tracker.
  16. M

    Every person who buys seeds online read please

    sorry thanks for the corrections
  17. M

    Can a noobie get a little help?

    you can get diy ballast kits for under 100 dollars look on ebay. Check craiglist I got a 400 mh sunmaster that was never used for 100 dollars like two months ago.
  18. M

    stealth Coin-op video game cabinet grow (mame cabinet)

    never heard of it before, you should post some pics I would like to see how it turns out.
  19. M

    600 or 1000?

    why so few plants in such a big space. For six plants the 600 watter is more than enough but if you ever want to really maximize that space you need the 1000 watter in my opinion.
  20. M

    Every person who buys seeds online read please , six days from order to delivery to midwest.