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  1. canibud

    Names You Give Your Screwed up Plants?

    I have come across some good names for the runts what are yours? Pics are good to!
  2. canibud

    3 Word Story

    Where was I
  3. canibud

    oh god i am such a noob please help

    Miracle grow... yuk Sunshine mix 2 or 4, that would be my pick
  4. canibud

    Is My Plant Growing?

    Someone Should start a ..What I call my screwed up plant.. thread, some of the names here give me a laugh... And ya I bet it does fine
  5. canibud

    help with 5 gal. bucket DWC set up.. +rep

    I like Hydroton, never tried outdoors with em.. but I guess if your climate allows, why not...
  6. canibud

    Room Size

    If you can keep the res out of the room, I use a 600w with aero and no heat problems. If not use a big cooler as a res. the window light will screw with your plants more than help.. block it off
  7. canibud

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    Do you know what respect means? why cant you do dishes.. the sink has die in it like the shower? Does hitting women make you feel strong?
  8. canibud

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    wow, you talk about your girl that way... have some respect
  9. canibud

    Things to smoke mary jane in?

    I used a coffee vending machine once, put the money in and grabbed the cup before the coffee came out. drastic times...
  10. canibud

    HELP needed ASAP

    This is the reason I grow myself. I would toss it, lesson learned. dont poison your pot.
  11. canibud

    Room Size

    I would build two four by four rooms in there, away from the window, one for grow one for bloom. what kind of lights are you going to run?
  12. canibud

    any plumbers in the house?

    Im a jack of all, whats the question?
  13. canibud

    Cops just came to the apartment due to a complaint against my bf

    Lots of us guys would like to be in his place, I'd take the shower and smoke the bong... loose him, stoner chicks rule!
  14. canibud

    3 Word Story

    ...reminds me of
  15. canibud

    garage cabinet growing question...please help!!!

    I dont think a 400w would get to hot in there as long as you keep the air flow going, I use a 600w in an area about the same size... less than 4x4 they dont get as hot as the 1000w. Have never grown off cfl, but lots seem to so it must work, but if you want to get the most out of it... hid is...
  16. canibud

    lighting question

    T5's work great, or one warm white one cool white tube together not as intense but still works
  17. canibud

    3 Word Story

    out something strange
  18. canibud

    If i'm running lights 24hrs, will it hurt to switch to 18/6?

    18 hrs on 6 off will grow plant... once the plant is 1/3 the height you want when done, 12 hrs on 12 hrs off will grow bud... wait and cut. and ya read everything you can find, its easier to learn now than fix later
  19. canibud

    Topping!!! worth it or not???

    I think its about how many plants you want, one plant many tops or many plants one top.. as long as ya fill the room, no point in wasting light