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  1. W

    First Grow - How's it lookin'?

    Umm,, funny lights were actually on 19/5 and not 12/12 due to operator error in setting up the timer. hehe So, 12/12 begins TODAY!
  2. W

    Oh Yeah....I'm a Newb

    After 2 weeks of being on 12/12 (or so I thought), I realized that another timer (timer 6? wtf?)was programmed to turn back on 5 hrs after the 12/12. :wall: So what I thought was 12/12 turned out to be 19/5. bongsmilie Well, at least I got 2 more weeks of veg. in. (one was 12/12 from seed)...
  3. W

    First Grow - How's it lookin'?

    First pic is the 12/12 from seed, 2nd pic is the other one. Day 14 of 12/12. Neither showing sex yet.
  4. W

    First Grow - Bag Seed

    Not showing sex yet, day 11 of 12/12.
  5. W

    How Do I Get Started in Organics?

    What does the 'HP' stand for from this? LC's Soiless Mix #2: 6 parts Pro Mix BX or HP / Sunshine Mix (any flavor from #1 up) / Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Light Warrior
  6. W

    Please take a look and tell me what you think...

    The flush seemed to help a bit, the tips aren't as curled today. Not sure if I should add nutes now or wait a few days? (i'm guessing wait because the soil is still pretty wet from the flush yesterday) Maybe these new pics will help. It last got nutes on the 16th. The nutes have are at...
  7. W

    Is this suppose to happen to a marijuana plant?

    That is not marijuana, but a look alike, forget the name. lol
  8. W

    Please take a look and tell me what you think...

    THANK YOU for your response Da Silva Satia. I am using RO/DI water (pH of 7) and trying to water every few days (sticking finger in the soil method). I did give it a small shot of flowering nutes (too early?, hasn't shown sex yet) a couple of days ago. I transplanted yesterday and gave it a...
  9. W

    Please take a look and tell me what you think...

    Icannabis, so helpful, appreciate that.
  10. W

    My plant was doing alright.........until....?

    I had some joker try to rip me off with some crap weed, he got his ass kicked. I hope you get the living shit kicked out of you!
  11. W

    Please take a look and tell me what you think...

    Soil - Hyponex mixed with perlite (70/30 mix) in 3 gal. pot (Started outdoors, transplanted to straight Scott's Premium Potting Soil, transplanted to Hyponex./Perlite mix) Lighting - 7x26w 2700k CFL (2"-3" away) (12/12 now) Nutes - Jack's Classic and Jack's Bloom (forget actual name) Water -...
  12. W

    Wondering if I should Transplant?

    I did it right at the start of the lighting cycle. I re-planted in the same size pot, but getting it out of the old and into the new was gruelling. Some of the soil fell apart, causing the plant to be dropped, seems to be ok though (aside from so other issues, that's for a different post). I...
  13. W

    Wondering if I should Transplant?

    33 people can't put down there bong long enough to share a thought? Well, anyways, transplanted and we'll see how it goes. Thanks!
  14. W

    Wondering if I should Transplant?

    I am using a 3 gal. pot and straight Scott's premium potting soil. My plant is a few days into 12/12, vegged for roughly a month. My soil has compacted quite a bit (settled about 1-1.5"). Everything is going pretty well, but wondering If I should transplant or just ride it out? I do have...
  15. W

    First Grow - Bag Seed

    Ughh, slipped to page 11. Usually I don't make people speechless, but c'mon! :lol: So, for all you lurkers out there, here's an update. Still growin'! :)
  16. W

    First Grow - How's it lookin'?

    Things are cruisin' right along, seem to be doing well. Although the top leaves look kinda 'wrinkly', and wondering if that's just normal? Other than that just need to rework my lighting to make it more adaptable to growing plant(s). Also picked up 3 more 26w cfl to add (if it's a girl).
  17. W

    First Grow - How's it lookin'?

    Seeing as it's just bag seed, and my first attempt, this if all more for a learning experience. A little smoke would be nice as well. :) With known strains I would grow them out more, but being new and impatient, more interested in just trying to keep the plant alive (and hopefully healthy)...
  18. W

    First Grow - How's it lookin'?

    I switched it to 12/12 on the 12th (first pic). And today (second pic). Come on female!
  19. W

    First Grow - Bag Seed

    It just amazes me what 24 hrs. can do. :D