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  1. W

    Second Run, Getting Close

    I harvested early my first grow, still got baked though. This time i'm going to be more patient, I promise. :weed: She just started week 8 of 12/12. The lower buds hairs have turned red, probably 75% but everything up top and in the middle is still white. Here's a few pics, how much longer...
  2. W

    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    I'm pretty sure everything was good and wet, that 3 gal. pot was heavy. But after a few days it lightend up quite a bit, but let it go another day and then watered yesteday with just water. I am using ocean forest and happy frog mixed with perlite. She is looking quite a bit worse since...
  3. W

    Low Run-Off pH. Soil Additives to Raise pH

    What are you measuring the run off with?
  4. W

    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    Jack, thanks man for all your help. When I figure out this rep thing, your gettin' some. :clap: I just popped it out and set it in the new pot with some fresh soil on the bottom and then filled in around the sides. I was so afraid of messing up the roots, just wanted to get her back in and...
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    I know what I saw one night about 20 yrs. ago. I believe.
  6. W

    What state / county to move to

    I have been thinking alot about Colorado lately. I am having a hard time sitting in a non-medical state. I've had Chrons Disease since I was a kid and it could finally pay off.....if I were somewhere else. Good luck, still early in my research so not much to offer in help.
  7. W

    The Biggest Douche in the Universe Contest!

    I would like to nominate - CALIFORNIA
  8. W

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    I guess trying to legalize pot in a state with a corrupt medical marijuana system isn't a good idea if you want progress. How are you guys going to get out of the hole now? I ain't bailing you all out. lol Broke bitches!
  9. W

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    I don't give alcohol to minors so i don't know what the fine would be. Giving alcohol or pot to minors is stupid, and if you do it, your stupid. Is this the only reason you voted NO? Got a legitamite reason?
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    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    Hayduke, what part of giving minors pot is a good idea?
  11. W

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    Thank you for fucking it up for the rest of us California!
  12. W

    If you are stoned, replay with a sentence.

    I baked a chocolate chip cookie in the shape of a potleaf tonight. It turned out ok, a indica dominant. Stem is fucked up fat, so yes, i'm baked. :bigjoint:
  13. W

    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    I'm wondering if I should water in some of the soil sweetner now or not?
  14. W

    When will we know the fate of Prop. 19?

    Seen what, Gun fights in the streets over the price of weed?
  15. W

    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    Well, I did the transplant and it went smooth. Always worried about screwing it up. Roots were white and swirling around the bottom. I haven't checked the TDS of the runoff.
  16. W

    When will we know the fate of Prop. 19?

    It disgusts me that anyone who loves weed would vote against Prop 19. Seems people forget there roots when it comes to weed. We all started using pot for recreational purposes and have all said 'legalize it' at one point or another. But give a hand full of people a 'medical' excuse and all of...
  17. W

    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    I started 2 seeds, one bag seed and one G-13 White Widow. Apparently the WW didn't like the same feeding of nutes that the bagseed did and burned it up and pulled it, so this is a bag seed. This is the same seed I did on my first grow, and that plant also was very dark green and people said...
  18. W

    Prop 19, will they or won't they?

    I've been a 'criminal' for 21 years, please vote YES on Prop 19. Thank You, Lover of Weed
  19. W

    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    It appears that I left out that I do have Jack's Bloom too, without looking I believe it's 10-30-20. Sorry about that, baked. :joint: I fed it veg food last at about the start week 2 of 12/12. Was then going to switch to the flower fert. I'm also using ro/di water and use Calmag. I did pick...