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  1. W

    150w hps first time grow opinions please?

    How much longer was it until you pulled them? Any harvest pics? Running a 150w now, so i'm curious. Smoke report? :joint:
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    Can you confirm my diagnosis? (pics)

    This plant is 49 days from seed, day 21 of 12/12. Hairs showed on day 12 of 12/12. Planted was obviously topped, one week before flowering. 2ft tall. Too much Nitrogen is my diagnosis. I say this because of the 'clawing', burnt tips and overall dark green color. Ocean Forest and Happy...
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    bagseed is garbage.

    My bagseed that just showed hairs this morning is laughing at my WW that's looking bad. Go BAGSEED!
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I topped this plant about 3 weeks into veg, it was already showing alternating nodes. It's so damn pretty it's gotta be a lady! Hope so as plant 2 isn't doing well. Should be showing sex real soon as week 2 of flower started today. Thank UB!
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    I think this WW hates me

    This G13 Labs Fem WW is in a world of hurt. I have a bag seed that is going as well, same enviroment, soil, light, etc. and that is doing very well. The pics will tell it better than I can. Both plants started at same time, they vegged 28 days. I believe they did get a little heat stressed...
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    Before getting started.....

    I will be doing my first DWC 5 gal. bucket soon, but have a few questions. I have a good understanding of the system and processes of the DWC, but I will be using RO/DI water and not just RO water. Will I need to use some extra additives because of this? I was thinking of going with the...
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    do you have a pH problem?

    Did you test the run off with the pH tester? Was the plant growing funky or anything like that?
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    How much nutes to buy (hydro)?

    I would like to try a DWC for my next grow (single plant, 5 gal. DWC). Although i'm not sure now much nutes I would need for a complete single plant grow? Veg for 4 weeks then flower. Pint? Quart? Gal?
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    Dolomite Lime Useage

    The only thing I have been able to find so far locally is Garden Lime but it is pelletized yet says quick acting. Here's a link to the stuff: or should I still try to find powdered dolomite lime?
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    Dolomite Lime Useage

    The pH of my soils runoff is 6.0 so I believe I need to add some dolomite lime to my soil to balance the pH. Is this correct? What is the proper way to add it to soil with a plant already in it and how much should I add to a 2 gal. pot?
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    3 days to 23 days Time laps photos

    MFG, plant is lookin' good to me. Nice Job! KuLong, that is awesome, thanks for posting it.
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    Putting Seeds In Soil?

    The less steps I have to mess things up is a good thing.
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    SB 1449! Demand the Governator Do Something BEFORE He Leaves Office!

    Arnold, please come Govern Wisconsin, thank you.
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    Putting Seeds In Soil?

    I started some a couple weeks ago by putting them directly in soil. I watered the soil good, then pushed a little dent with my finget about 1/2 deep or so, dropped my seed in and covered it gently with soil. I would then spray the soil with a misting sprayer a couple times a day as needed when...
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    Reflective materials used for wall lining

    Google 'Coleman Emergency Blanket' and see if you can find them local to you. There a couple bucks and work really well. Don't know about the stuff your referring to.
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    NO! On Prop 19

    Vote YES! Peace!
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    Weird Leaf Growth

    I have the 'All Purpose' which is 20-20-20 and the 'Bloom Buster' which is 10-30-20. Here is a link to the products:
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    Weird Leaf Growth

    I've got Jack's Classic for my nutes.
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    Weird Leaf Growth

    I may pick up another test kit just to see, there cheap. I certainly don't want to keep messing with pH, just hoping pH'ing my water is going to be enough to keep things on track. I've played the pH game with my reef tank and it's a serious pita, and probably does more harm than good. Near...
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    Duct Booster Fans - Any Good On Their Own?

    I have been wondering this myself. I am using a 4" booster fan on my 150w cool tube and it works good. I have been thinking of switching out my PC fan and putting in another one of the 4" booster fans as my cabinets exhaust and add a carbon filter. I'm just not sure if the fan can suck...