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  1. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    I put it up in the plant problem forum . I think it is from heat stress. I wonder if I should start over .
  2. shagster

    Newbie with plant troubles

    yes I took one of the littlest weakest plants out today and the bottom has roots. I wanted to see if the plants were getting roots and how dry the soil was. The soil was semi moist. It will be dry by tommorrow , but I only water every 3 days. I think I heat shocked them when the grow box...
  3. shagster

    Newbie with plant troubles

    Im going with heat, I have only watered them after three days and they would be bone dry
  4. shagster

    Newbie with plant troubles

    I had all 6CFL right on top on them , but moved it up , thinking the higher temps were harming them. The temps were hitting 90 last week.
  5. shagster

    Newbie with plant troubles

    The 23 day old seedlings are still having some troubles, There has been no growth for a week now . Temperatures are 78 to 80 with lights on and 70 when not on . I watered yesterday , after 3 days , the soil is looking dry again. I have a good amount of air moving , maybe drying them out . Im...
  6. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    The 23 day old seedlings are still having some troubles, There has been no growth for a week now . Temperatures are 78 to 80 with lights on and 70 when not on . I watered yesterday , after 3 days , the soil is looking dry again. I have a good amount of air moving , maybe drying them out...
  7. shagster

    Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time

    Well Mr Arch.. Condgrads man.... I read your first post and seen the picture,..... you just ruined my day. I have some 21 day old Northern Lights Looks like I'm not going to be farmer of the year. And I'm a late to sub , but giving you reps while I go curl up in a ball.
  8. shagster

    Leaves dried up overnight!! HELP!! *PICS*

    Put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em bot' up, Put the lime in the coconut and call me in the morning. Yes, you call me in the morning.... I think you were listening to this song and got confused.
  9. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    18 /6 , and a small fan blowing across make those stems wiggle. I even throw a bit of CO2 in there for GP's . The yellowing just started after a the last big watering. I put them in a mylar lined box with CFL's to get them started. This is Northern Light #2 its my best looking planted...
  10. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    Using MG Organic Potting mix .10 -.05-.05 . I watered yesterday with PH 6.2 ish water. The soil is looking dry , but can make to tomorrow, maybe next day. I raised the lights a coupe of inches , and turned the room temp down. It will be no problem getting temps down here. Where I live its...
  11. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    I guess I really didn't want to hear how small they are , but I knew it compared to everybody else's grow. Thanks for honesty. I did discover 4 days ago that I only had 4 ea 14wt CFL over them. when i was think I had bigger bulbs going Do you think I should throw the 400 watt MH light to...
  12. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    I'm getting some yellowing of the leaves. Could it be from heat? Sometime temps creep up to 90. I have them under 6 CFL's ( 3ea 29 watt and 3ea 14 watt) Im waiting until they are a bigger to put under the 400 watt light. ( have it down to about 80* now. Also I'm using MG potting...
  13. shagster

    First Grow (1st) | AK-47 - MG SOIL - 250w HPS/MH | From Seed to Harvest

    Please keep the pics and scale out totals coming .. S
  14. shagster

    Scam or no scam!! Never seen this before

    Go ahead apply for me .. My real name is Shagster Liesalot SSN # 555 -55 -5555. Of course its scam
  15. shagster

    Greenhouse vs Raised Bed vs Large Hole

    subbed , I know watching this grow is going to make me sick..... Im still dealing with snow.
  16. shagster

    Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

    I was hoping it would keep longer ... Have your ever tried this? If you had a female plant budding that was topped and had a couple of nice flowers going, Could you pollinate one cola for seeds? And still have the rest of the plant going into bud mode
  17. shagster

    Giving the homemade aero-cloner a shot

    I would like to see pictures. I intend to make one of these. Can you give us details as to the depth of the water? Does shallow or deeper water levels make better bubbles? thanks
  18. shagster

    Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

    What great post Grumpy thanks for all the info . How long do you think male pollen will store in a bag ? If a guy was to makes seed from a later grow .
  19. shagster

    Gotta ask this question about femenization...

    If a hermie pollinates itself. Then you bag seed. Is that the equivalent of a clones of the original? or is there degradation from the original?