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  1. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    Shagster has been in mourning. After 7 days of 12/12, under the HPS. sex was showing. It took 2 days to finally get up the nerve to do what needed to be done. These two were my biggest and fastest growers. I noticed males seem to be the more aggressive after a T-plant or even clone. You can...
  2. shagster

    New to Grow Journal

    Stems as thick as your thumb? You can decorate that for Christmas. those are looking to be monsters'. You are going to have to crop or tie them back,
  3. shagster

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    I hope your cat gets better. Did the Vet give him a script for medical MJ? Sounds like things will get better. Shagster
  4. shagster

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    I hope your cat gets better. Did the Vet give him a script for medical MJ? Sounds like things will get better. Shagster
  5. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    Red Rum , I was going to T-plant some Monday ,and flip to 12's after a couple of days . then I should be sexed withing a week or so. I seen your closet looking good..
  6. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    When I read some of your journals with pictures, I feel embarrassed about even putting up pictures. What kills me is the guys who started there grow after I started and they are passing me up. :wall: I just been plugging along . I FIM topped 3 plants and tried to clone the tops. ( the...
  7. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    Growing well..... nothing to really report. how about you ?
  8. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    I been reading your journals . I haven't put up pics for a while but things are looking good, ever since I added the 400w MH
  9. shagster

    Stinkbudd1's 594 watt Cheeseberry Haze and Blue Diesel Soil Grow!

    those sure are finishing up nicely
  10. shagster

    New grow New cheap DIY setup

    MvWade, Where is my share? I been reading this journal and I want half. Just funning ya Shagster
  11. shagster

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Subbed Del... Those picture of bubble bomb are worthy of first prize.. The big toe not so cute.!!
  12. shagster

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    When you flip to 12 what decides? the plant age? or its height?
  13. shagster

    New to Grow Journal

    looking nice, Those are way ready for the flower box. You are going to get a monster harvest.
  14. shagster

    Northern Lights First Grow Hydroponic

    LOL I thought that too the first time I turned on the 400MH . I will be subbing , and following , Im in soil with some Northern Lights
  15. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    Well after almost losing everything, to either heat or water issues, the little chica's are making up for lost time. I added some MG fertilizer ( that blue stuff mixed w/ water) to 2 plants that were on the the way to death. Within 2 day the green leaves were returning . So I then used that...
  16. shagster

    First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM

    Welcome KK..
  17. shagster

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    Looking good Snow Crash. I will be awaiting the transplant pics. I have a feeling that I will be learning a lot from this grow.
  18. shagster

    1400w Psuedo-Hydro-Organic Coco mix: Nirvana Ice and my Element Zero

    Impressive Snow. How long do you leave them in the cups? Healthy looking plants.
  19. shagster

    NL Grow Take 2: The Reveg/Remix

    I will be watching . I read a journal on the site somewhere where a guy re-vegged the same plant 3 times. It was a nasty looking tree stump by then reps
  20. shagster

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Hey Homer subbed on . Where did you get this chart? I think it looks helpful Shagster