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  1. T

    Thrips 3/4 weeks before harvest!!

    No Marvin is a thrip. Spider mites are difficult to get rid of thrips are fairly easy as long as you are persistant. Trust me, If it was a spider mite I wouldn't be joking about it (I've had them 2 times before, worst pest you can possibly have) :) I was just warning the other guy. And no...
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    Og Kush #18 & Tangerine Dream by ZIBRA

    Looking good. :) I hope you aren't in a hurry TD is not quick, large plants but good yielder tho.
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    Partly looks like dirt on the bottom of the first one but those pinhead black spots dont look great. Post of pic of the top of the leaf. Also, If you take the leaf and look at it very closely and those are mites you will see them move around. Also if you see anything that looks like webbing...
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    Thrips 3/4 weeks before harvest!!

    I just saw one on one of my jalepeno plants, which are next to my other plants. Going to dose them with some Spinosad. GhettoGrower, those are spider mites, i would suggest setting of a small nuclear device in your room. Here's mine I named him marvin:
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    Would there be "smell damage" to the home from small grow in mylar tents?

    "I know the house will reek of weed from the flowering plants no matter what" Not if you properly filter and ventilate it. If you smell weed in your house, you are doing something wrong. Negative pressure keeps all smell (except when you open the tent for a while or are harvesting/etc) from...
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    Most Overrated Strain?

    Bricktop only grows landrace sativas recovered from a commune hippy's bandana circa 1960, not any of your Wal-mart seeds. lol :) I will agree to a point on many of the purple strains most suck. Some definitely do not, however.
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    Confidential Cheese info needed

    The pheno I had was a beast of a plant, I mean stems (you can call them branches really) were large grew around 6-7ft and had vigorous growth. one of those strains that will not topple bring the saw to cut it down. Has tight bud structure looked like it would be a huge yielder but was more of a...
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    In your opinion, which is the best seedbank on Attitude?

    TGA subcool would be #1, he gets good base stock and is a good breeder and knows what traits to look for with his crosses. His seeds are all regular non feminized so if you want fem that would be out. Barneys is good, but most of their strains are huge and will take over your growroom they...
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    Hash off of leaves?

    Iso hash is easiest IMO all you need is isopropyl alcohol 90% or better, A container with a lid, and a glass/ceramic container to evap in maybe a fan if you are impatient. Not as good as sifted or bubble bags tho but "easiest" as far as equipment. Easiest (after you build it) IMO is what I...
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    Grape Fruit Please !!!!!

    That would be Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit, I did the purple on purpose with cooler nighttime temps
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    Curing Problems

    A lot has to do with the moisture content when you put it into cure, if its super dry it take a lot longer to get the smell back, but obviously too wet is asking for mold.
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    Grape Fruit Please !!!!!

    I'll second (or third) Sweet Deep Grapefruit, looks great, solid smoke. This one I harvested 1/2 of it before I thought, "man that looks beautiful, I should take a pic"
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    '11's Waste of Time Grows

    Hrm most were good, the sleeper strain this year was Dinafem royal haze, nice potency nice yield (and deceptive). Pulled 8oz from a plant I swear was only going to be 4-5. Ugliest, PITA strain was Barney's pineapple chunk. Takes FOREVER, Zero bag appeal, takes up way too much space, during...
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    Generator in apartment?

    This would be about your only bet for sound, you can hook 2 together to get 4000 watts. I've been eying them myself but not for a grow. The Honda's are good but a little louder and you can chain them together. Don't asphyxiate yourself...
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    Fat Bud Or Is It Normal?

    Its Barneys Farm many of their plants are gigantic, it will get bigger. Cant tell where one plant starts and stops but yes its reasonable to get 2 Z's out of plants that look like that, I got 6 or so out of one BF Pineapple Chunk before.
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    Gibberellic acid bloom stimulator

    This thread is kinda old but I'll chime in here for posterity. I have used GA3 extensively in various species. MJ is generally not a good candidate for GA3(some species GA3 is fantastic if used in moderation, (ie I use it on a japaneese maple which then grew 3 timies the size of another from...
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    New Growth on Colas and Harvest Time

    You didnt necessarily have light leaks (although maybe you did), that strain does put out white pistils and continue to grow for a while into the final weeks and I don't have light leaks. I cut mine about the same time as you did yours(since I was on a schedule and my patient needed meds) and...
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    Pineapple Chunk: Week 7 Macro Pics, Is She Ready?

    Yes they are massive plants and produce very well. They need lots of N during the initial few weeks of flower.. Dont get disheartened if the inter-node length looks large, it fills in. I've pulled 2.5+ ft colas off that strain. The smell on them is totally weird (in a good way) too :) kinda...
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    Pressure Cooker Instead of Jars?

    Would probably work, I would however be extremely careful with the moisture content, you are putting a lot of weed in one container and therefore a lot of moisture. You need to be vigilant about rotating the buds and burping it or you will have a pot full of mold(which would be your entire...
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    Pineapple Chunk: Week 7 Macro Pics, Is She Ready?

    My PC took way longer than 8 weeks, I swear everytime I thought, mabye this week, I'd look at clear trics and new growth. Granted I pulled some huge colas off it when it finally finished, but it took forever.