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  1. T

    Square vs. Round Pots

    If you put lets say 4 - 5 gallon bucket as close as possible (touching) how much air do you see between them. If you put 4 square pots touching there is no wasted space. That being said I use 5 gallon buckets because A) they are cheap B) I mix soil and hydro DWC grows and I dont have to buy...
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    I'll Never Use Bagseed Again

    I grew many many years with only bagseed. Granted real genetics are awesome, but you can do some good work with bagseed. Its good to learn on. I usually always got about 50/50 with bag seed. I've had good luck with femed seeds so far, but have heard horror stories but never encountered one...
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    Male or Female

    If its a white fuzzy hair which will eventually separate into 2 hairs then yea its a female, if its green which is what I see (its blurry tho) that its just a stipule and that tells you nothing.
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    #3 is female. 1 looks male 2 looks kinda male but I'm not 100% I would give 1 and 2 a few days to be more sure.
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    Submersrse Seeds or Straight to Wet Paper Towels? Best Method?

    I like paper towel, takes the guesswork out and is less work if you have one or 2 that dont pop. As opposed to staring at a cup with nothing going on for 6 days then wondering if you should give it 6 more or if its growing or you put it too deep or it sank when you watered or what. I fold the...
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    Male or Female

    You have a ways before that will open. They will typically turn down then separate into individual bananas at that point the slightest touch will open it. I agree the pics 2 and 3 look male but give them a min to make sure I've had plants that I thought for sure were male very early like that...
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    Grow Tent Question and Size Of Plants

    I exhaust on top and put a small piece of flexi ducting in the bottom port on the opposite wall to encourage cross flow of the air. I put it in the bottom because cool air sinks and thats what I want for my intake air. I use flexi because I can bend it down and it doesnt let light out the now...
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    cat gets blazed and recieves death penalty

    How big of a bong does one need to fit a cat inside it. I wonder if everyone smoking from it just though the guy grew a lot of that cat piss strain.
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    Broken Stems, Are You Kidding Me?

    Your plants will be fine, if you have any stems severely broken you can literally duct tape them back together. Even if not it will still be fine, you basically trained the plant it will actually put more vertical stems up. If the stem broke off the plant will grow 2 or more stems at the...
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    Making Feminized Seeds w/ 1 Plant - Is it possible?

    I have a ton of GA3 so I dont need this but for those of you that do:
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    I'm About to Give Up on Cloning

    I currently have an aero bucket cloner, I use plain water and get pretty much 100%. I had to laugh when I saw your pics and was like roots will be popping out in a few days wonder what he's going to say then.
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    Bottom leaves yellowing on 4 week old plants

    Thanks man, that was a in between my normal run grow (I'm a licensed caregiver) that I just stuffed in there. I lost my HDD and my really good pics, but here are a couple more better looking pics of some dinafem Sweet deep Grapefruit that I also stuffed in there with the AK.
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    First grow, $2000 budget?

    A few nuggets of advice Dont skimp on the light(I dont mean cost I mean Watts) you will just end up buing another one later on, get a cool tube, and dont skimp on ventilation(may I highly suggest a Panasonic Whisper Inline) and get an appropriate sized carbon filter. Also if you go with a tent...
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    Bottom leaves yellowing on 4 week old plants

    Yea its so minor it might just be the MG. I've never used that particular one, I've used the regular potting soil and the garden soil before.(as well as fox farm/etc, IMO MG is just fine). I'm not sure what "Aquacoir" but sounds like it might have some coconut husks in it to retain moisture...
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    Bottom leaves yellowing on 4 week old plants

    You are worrying over nothing. Stop feeding them that's probably nute burn. Tips of plant starting to burn with super green leaves does not indicate N deficiency. Just because you have nutes doesnt mean you need to use them. The plant is very green and MG has nutes already in the soil. MJ...
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    The DIY poor-man's pipe and bong page

    Let me know if I win: hehe
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    Hydroponic Blueberries

    May I recommend the Patriot Blueberries, I've got a few kinds outside and I like those best. They produce well, have large berries and are tasty.
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    will this root clones? pic

    I've tried it slick. I give it 50/50 chance it will work. I've also rooted flowering cuttings and they grow like bushes. I've rooted salvia plants in glasses of water with no airstone. So yea it "can" work, if you want to to work everytime, pick a better method. Algae will grow that way, rot...
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    will this root clones? pic

    You are going to have issuse with those clones, even if they root (I give it 50/50 they will root before they rot) they will grow weird (like a bush) since you took them well into flower. Build yourself a bucket cloner, you can do it for under $50 and I get 100% success using plain water...
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    "Smart" power meters from utility co.

    How much $$$$ do you suppose the power company would like to invest in software and monitoring personelle so that they can reduce their revenue? :) come on Is that like the old saying, "It takes money to lose money?" haha