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  1. GPD.831

    Early start early finish?

    The plants will RE veg when the sun climbs higher in the sky. You're better off vegging for a month, and then putting outside, no flowering. They will still finish early if you planted earlier than march. Right now, I have about 10 seedlings in various stages, and I'm planting on march 17. They...
  2. GPD.831

    growing season?

    Yes. they will. Its a really hardy plant. it grows wild from the tropics of jamaica, to colombia, the himalayas, northern california, etc.
  3. GPD.831

    Growing In The Woods

    If your in england, the southern hemisphere, try to find a northfacing slope. This is where the sun will be all day, and you'll get the best results. My current 2010 outdoor grow (im in the northenr hemisphere) consists of: About 15 plants. I was planning on 20 but I don't have enough space. I...
  4. GPD.831

    Easy Issue, please help.

    Its really dumb to cut off the large fan leaves. You could've tucked them, but plants need as much leaf area as possible for the fastest photosynthesis. The little branches would've caught up anyway, but pretty much you've now hacked up your nice little ladies.It's OK, i'm guessing that you're...
  5. GPD.831

    Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow

    Woah! I haven't dropped by in a while, they look great! I always love it when the stems start to fatten up. They look really healthy dude, keep it up!
  6. GPD.831

    two weeks bottom single leaves are turning yellow and curling?

    normal for cotyledons at this stage. a little early for first trues. don't use miracle grow. its more like satan miracle burn.
  7. GPD.831

    What's the deal with legal bud?

    They just mash a bunch of wild herbs together and call it buds. its not a bud. its a bunch of crap witha stem shoved into it.
  8. GPD.831

    Bugs, help me identify them please

    CAREFUL! they could be springtails, which are beneficial to both plants and soil. Poke one with a toothpick and see if it jumps REALLY high in the air. they can jump up to 4 inches. do they look like this?
  9. GPD.831

    dwc help

    All the time...
  10. GPD.831

    iS ThERE A CURE F0R THiS..

    Definitely Overfert. you got the idea. flush with distilled water, keep if of nutes and then re try at 1/4 strength. you got it under control, good thinking. ps you dont really need nutes until the cotyledons shrivel up.
  11. GPD.831

    Why cruel world would this happen

    Hey man it's not that bad. It didn't burn the apical maristem so it will obviously continue to grow. Just a speedbump man!
  12. GPD.831

    Are these balls or bigass calaxys?

    Looks like a seed almost. If not, thats one FAT calyx.
  13. GPD.831

    Help Please, Clone Yellowing and Wilting

    Looks sort of hungry, but I'm not sure. Are you sure the clone was rooted?
  14. GPD.831

    Indica Bagseed in the spirit closet

    The seedling is working on its first set of trues, which are oddly, purple...
  15. GPD.831

    Best time to grow in florida

    To prepare soil, you want to rake&dig holes in the fall, re fill them with amended soil, then put mulch over it during the winter months. Do not leave it bare all winter. If you were to start now, just dig some holes, re fill them with amended soil, and then let the rains do the work to prepare...
  16. GPD.831

    400W HPS Bulb in 150W HPS Lighting Fixture?

    I think he's talking about the ballast. just take the 400w bulb back, get a 150W
  17. GPD.831

    400W HPS Bulb in 150W HPS Lighting Fixture?

    Extremely. it would pull too much current and probably blow up.
  18. GPD.831


    looks like some kind of burn to me,
  19. GPD.831

    Another "Is It Ready?" Thread - Pineapple Express

    Yea it looks ready. If you had flushed with molassas, your yeild probably would've been better but hey! nice plant!