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  1. iCanadianGrower

    Is Trolling a Choice?

    Kaender's a troll..
  2. iCanadianGrower

    How Early Can You Sex Seedlings?

    Ive heard of it.. I dont know if it works at all though, never done it, and probly never will
  3. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    No i mispoke.. I said choice/born that way.. i simply misspoke whiich i apologized for in another post.. I fully believe homosexual people prefer there own sex over there other, and its not because of a disorder, thats just what they prefer.. Its not a disorder or a choice.. I apologize again...
  4. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    Its not the question of it being a choice or not.. most gay people tend to lean towards there sexual orientation, being pre-determined even as children some people have homosexual tendencies.. how would that be a conscious choice that pre-pubescent children could make
  5. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    You're doing the same thing and its not speculation.. if evidence was previously posted.. Your way to stubborn bro
  6. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    You dont need to be a psychatrist.. There already out there.. Its not like theres no research on homosexuality which was stated above by eisenberg.. The fact is its not a disorder.. ADD is.. There not even near being parrellels to each other..
  7. iCanadianGrower

    12 inch pot = how big?

    10 quarts is 2.5 gallons so.. It will grow at maximum potential for 2.5 months or 2.5 feet, whichever comes first
  8. iCanadianGrower

    Is she gonna be ok? Pic

    It looks like light burn to me.. nd if thats the case she will be absolutley fine
  9. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    Whats a theory Homosexuality???
  10. iCanadianGrower

    12 inch pot = how big?

    A gallon per foot/month of growth seems to be the consensus.. 8-10 quarts is about 2 gallons.. so 2 months or 2-3 ft.
  11. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    Dude Its called ADD.. Attention Defecit DISORDER.. Nd noone says "Yeah this guys got HD.. Homosexual Disorder"
  12. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    ADD is Attention Defecit DISORDER.. LOL
  13. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    Yes thank you eisenberg preference, would have been a better choice of words
  14. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    Yes ADD is a disorder.. and there is something wrong with you.. Theres no madication to help a gay person not be gay.. Being gay is not a disorder.. Otherwise they would have a pill for it
  15. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    It says choice/born like that.. may bad if i offended you.. Alls that i was saying was that its not a disorder.. A disorder eans there is something wrong with you.. Just because your gay doesnt mean that there is something wrong with you.. Otherwise being straight would be a disorder.. I...
  16. iCanadianGrower

    Congrats America on Obamacare

    Thank you BA.. The defence budget is ridiculous.. Im pretty sure its like 687 Billion dollars.. The educational budget is literaly a 10th of that.. Ridiculous
  17. iCanadianGrower

    Congrats America on Obamacare

    Yeah new to the site didnt see the politcs forum.. my bad man
  18. iCanadianGrower

    Congrats America on Obamacare

    And every civilized country in the world has socialized medicine.. For god sakes, Japan has it, Germany, Austria, United knigdom, Singapore, France, South Korea, Hong Kong, even the United Arab Emirates do, why the fuck shouldnt America, the richest, and greatest country in the world not have it.
  19. iCanadianGrower

    Congrats America on Obamacare

    Yes i meant SCOTUS.. Thanks for the correction.. And Obama is about taxing the rich.. Thats one of his main platforms.. The rich should pay more than they do.. obviously everyone will be taxed.. Is saving hundreds of lives a year, that are affected by a corrupt healthcare and insurance system...
  20. iCanadianGrower

    Christians need to stop attacking gays!!

    Being gay isnt a disorder.. Its a choice/there born like that which people should be able to freely make.. Why do you care if that guy Justins gay?.. Your not the one getting fucked in the ass..