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  1. iCanadianGrower

    Big ass spider in my tent

    Kill it.. Or move it.. Id suggest moving it outside, with like a peice of wood or something.. Lol, Best thread ever..
  2. iCanadianGrower


    The make the same yeild.. I dont know WTF Kaender is talking about.. Fimming and topping are the exact same thing, One is just less stressful.. And Ive never heard pinching causing any problems.. I may not know what im talking about, but imo that guy doent have a fucking clue..
  3. iCanadianGrower

    Beginner trying to do it right this time... Budget DWC

    SSounds like a good plan.. Id go with a four hundred watter.. And you should be able to find litmus or drplets at your local pet store.. in your aquarium section.. Id whatch the MG fertilizer to.. It could be high in salt.. Which could fuck up your roots.. Just dont overdo it.. and make sure to...
  4. iCanadianGrower

    First Grow!

    The taller they are the more they yeild.. But, its up to how much space you have.. Id reccomend keeping them compact for now, and just fim them
  5. iCanadianGrower

    First Grow!

    1. Your gonna need more light for flower.. Way more.. It will be good For veg though.. 2. Fox farms have nutes for veg and flower.. and you need nutes for veg.. 3. To maximze your yeild look into fimming it will help your plants yeild a heck of alot more..
  6. iCanadianGrower

    Rooting Troubles...HELP ME!

    I just saw your other thread.. Your clones look pretty good.. Just let them get fresh air and they will be perfectly fine.. Maybe cut some holes in the top of your DIY Humidome
  7. iCanadianGrower

    Rooting Troubles...HELP ME!

    They might die.. Clones like moisture but they needfresh air too, thats why ther moldy.. if the whole clones moldy they won't make it.. if its a couple leaves the'll make it.. Eventually.. Next time buy a humidome that has vents at the top, and open them up halfway keep the misted and warm.. And...
  8. iCanadianGrower

    i think my plants about to die, please help??!

    Then its gonna die.. You kinda fucked up.. You should buy some seeds for yourself.. Or pick some out of brick weed.. You probly stole someones plant..
  9. iCanadianGrower

    How Do My Clones Look??

    Here they are..
  10. iCanadianGrower

    How Do My Clones Look??

    These are going outdoors (in cornfields).. I want to get them out asap.. Could I put these out by the end of the week?
  11. iCanadianGrower


    You can top whenever you want.. Just pinch dont cut.. Cutting stresses the plant more..
  12. iCanadianGrower

    wtf? weeek 12 and sick plants

    Root lock from salts is what i would say.. I could be wrong though.. Did you flush at all?
  13. iCanadianGrower

    Whats wrong with this leaf?

    Hahaa Zombie Virus.. You didnt give them Bath Salts did you? :)
  14. iCanadianGrower

    classic skunk grow,day 36 of flowering,trichomes are cloudy is this normal?

    Yeah im assuming its a 8 week or 9 week strain.. Ive never grown that perticular strain.. I would assume that cloudys fine.. As long as there not brown.. I could be wrong though
  15. iCanadianGrower

    5 weeks old - unknown strain

    Is there a picture that i cant see??
  16. iCanadianGrower

    My first Grow!!All advice welcomed!!

    Yah.. If you have hydro store near you go there and ask for white and black mylar.. Comes in rolls of like 5 ft. by 25 ft. and up.. But like it was stated earlier it will help alot, growth will be alot better
  17. iCanadianGrower

    Reuseing Soil, Yes or NO?

    You can, i woudnt st it though.. It can bring unwanted peskks.. and could potentially cause lockout.. I wouldnt reccomend using dirt again.. It would probly be worth it in the end to just buy new stuff... If you insist on re-usu\ing then use half old soil, half new soil..
  18. iCanadianGrower

    newbie needs help!!!!

    Topping and pruning is easily done.. To top a plant after it gets to a desired height.. Just pinch the new leaf sets that are forming at the top, and pull them off.. This vcan be done on all the branches too, After they reack 1 nodes pinch the small little new leaf growth and pull it off just...
  19. iCanadianGrower

    when can i take clones?

    Im growing K-Train nd Great White Shark (Which looks like shit atm).. But I got Chemdog and Jacks Kush seeds waiting for me to pop them.. Once i finish moving..
  20. iCanadianGrower

    Great White Shark Too Small.. (With Pics)

    I got my fuckin toes crossed man..