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  1. PbHash

    Religious faithw v Shhh I just laughed for like 5 min straight bc you are so right, but it's too late
  2. PbHash

    Have you exercised your brain today?!

    I've already been (jokingly) warned about starting this, but I can't help it! It isn't about religion, politics, or honestly anything like that to cause bias, cause it's Math! What are your thoughts? Is 1 equal to 0.999999999999(9 for infinity)?!
  3. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    Haha I know! I will as another thread. I'll call it, Have you exercised your brain today? I want to see if all the mathematicians come crawling out of the dark.
  4. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    So well put. I now call myself a skeptic, I use science and critical thinking to guide my views. I think the typical thought process of a skeptic goes a little like this, "neutrinos going faster than the speed of light?!? Hmm nothing in my knowledge of the great laws (did i make that term up...
  5. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    Wow! My next debate was going to be about mathematics. Topic is: are 1 and 0.999999999999999(9 for infinity) the same?
  6. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    With a little reading you would find that we have some very good ideas of how the big bang happened and what was before it. Read the book call "the hidden reality" it will blow your mind. If you read this book you can expect your brain to hate you, I have had to read it a few time to even say I...
  7. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    How can you take a personal experience as a rational and ligitiment argument. I would argue the well know FACT that our brain twists reality. If you think what you see with your eyes and what you remember from them past is a good depiction of reality, well buddy it isn't. Our minds are very...
  8. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    Beefbisquit- having faith because you are just convinced is really just sang the same thing twice. Like...I have faith in God because my religion has convinced me. What I'm trying to weasel out is, what cause you to say, "that whole big bang thing is crap but God is real" I personally believe...
  9. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    As I have stated before, this thread welcomes civil debate. It always drives me up the wall when I am having a religion debate and one of the arguments for why a person justifies there religion is they say "I have faith". No don't get me wrong, I have faith in many things such as: the sun...
  10. PbHash

    Glass storage?

    I see a lot of people using glass containers to store there MJ, is there a reason? Should I be using glass?
  11. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    Holy shit, you said it better than I did (see post below yours). Thank you!
  12. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    Reread first post. What I am saying is: if you say you can see/hear/smell/feel a ghost it is using energy. Noted this could not be some sort of "undetectable energy". Now that we see a ghost must use energy (if they were to exist). I want to know where they acquire the their energy? And why...
  13. PbHash

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    I want to post mine but all I have is iPhone :( does anyone know how I can get my pics up?
  14. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    Ok do people here know what a fallacy is, that word is being thrown around a lot. It IS not possible to see a ghost but say it is made of undetectable energy. If you can't detect something then you can not know it is there.
  15. PbHash

    Where's the snow!!!

    Anyone else in this snow drought? I wanna ski some pow!!!
  16. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    The idea that ghost energy is undetectable is stupid! For a human being to detect a ghost with today's technology the energy form has to be one we know of. The reason I know a human is infront of me is photons bouncing off of the person so I can see them, heat signature, sound all of these are...
  17. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    Mindphuk- you are spot on about us as humans having a limited knowlege and there is lots left to discover. There are just certain thing that with a little critical thinking, can be ruled as so improbable that it is really not worth wasting time on. This to me is especially true when bad science...
  18. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    We need more critical thinkers. I'm glad most people here are civil. I try to keep my cool when I get frustrated in explaining such things. The only people I will go cut throat and attack are antivaccine people. Those people have blood on their hands!
  19. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    Heisenberg- very well said. I'm sad that it seems so many people have such a bad grasp on the basic laws of our universe