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  1. PbHash

    People do not Understand Science, yeah I'm talking to you Creationist so bring it!

    As with al my posts, debating is welcome. I'm frustrated with the average persons understanding of what science is. A prime example of this is letting creationism into the classroom of science. Science is a systematic way of gathering knowledge through testable explanations and predictions...
  2. PbHash

    Another Asshole Ruins The Party

    Cars are legal, people steel them all the time using violence. Its not about whether what is being stolen is legal or not, but if the person thinks they have the right to take it.
  3. PbHash

    Severe Pain

    Just throwing this out there but it could be TMJ. Information of the TM joint from grinding your death while you sleep. I would get this every now and then when I was super stressed at school. Its so hard to say over the internet, best of luck.
  4. PbHash

    For believers in the paranormal

    That which can be affirmed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence -Christopher Hitchens So if you don't want to give evidence we can consider any argument invalid.
  5. PbHash

    So I'm a retard :).

    I hate this saying. I won't be a nonstandard to the formation of an idiocracy.
  6. PbHash


    Well thats a lot of shit to read, usually I skip anything that long. Haha maybe I'm lazy.
  7. PbHash

    What dimension are we in

    Well if we go with the theories of 11 dimensions and we are stuck in 4, well we sure got the shit end of the stick
  8. PbHash

    What dimension are we in

    Threeve a combination of 3 and 5.
  9. PbHash

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

    Yep that sounds about right. I imagine that hell is full of Native Americans/south Americans and pacific islanders, they never had a chance to hear the word of God. I've still never heard a Christian give me an answere to that and not hav me say, "ok you just made that up"
  10. PbHash

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

    I can't stand it when religious people say, "without God we wouldn't have moral" This couldn't be more wrong and only the simple minded would think so. Morals are simply part of our evolution. It isn't beneficial to the species to have everyone killing and raping ad they please. Still about 4%...
  11. PbHash

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

    I never understood why some people think there has to be a god. Why can't death just be the end? I have no problem explaining the universe without God. What about people who never even hear of God? Guess they will burn like the rest of us heathens. So if I'm a "good" person all my life but...
  12. PbHash

    Answering Newbie questions...

    I agree about reading the treads but sometimes it's hard to sort through all of them. The way I look at it is if you don't want to answer it then dont
  13. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    Oly- I don't think Athiest say they are all smarter and more intelligent than believers but they think that believers have a huge flaw in their rationality and critical thinking. From experience I have learned that many Christians have a very skewed view of what scientific evidence has proven...
  14. PbHash

    Answering Newbie questions...

    Now you know how doctors and nurses feel. "you did what? Even when the instructions specifically said not too?! And you are pissed at me?!" "I don't want to hear how it got up there because I already know, you put it up there." "and what made you think you could operate on your self" " yes...
  15. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    Beefbisquit- and you can make an ass out of ones self by Assuming everyone is a layperson. You say that you can't prove whether the physiological changes seen in fMRI are a result of God or not. What if I made a cocktail of drugs that replicated the experience? Say one of the subjective claims...
  16. PbHash

    Noob here!

    So with the lack of snow yet still cold weather I have a good bit of time on my hands. I was thinking about trying some glass blowing. Where should I start, I'm not looking to drop a grand or anything close to that much, does anyone hav some recommendations on what to get so I can have a good...
  17. PbHash

    Religious faithw v

    Probably the same reason doctors think they are more intouch with reality than the paranoid schitzo in front of them who is trying to explain the sexual preferences of gay and lesbian corn. That shit just don't make no sense!
  18. PbHash

    The Sociopath Next Door

    Ok so I stole the title from a book I finished reading again. So it has come to light that about 4 percent of our population is a sociopath. This means they have no conscious , feel no guilt, no empathy, extremely manipulative. Its hard to believe that so many people out there are like this...
  19. PbHash

    Has anyone ever watched ancient aliens?

    You negate te fact that people can tell a completely false story and still believe it. You say it seems unlikely that someone would make a story up and commit to it? Really? Have you seen some of the cult followings that exist, all total crap but people kill themselves over it. I'll go ahead and...