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  1. B

    Be Pro-Active Brothers & Sisters... Hunt for BUGS!!!

    I think we just might! Thank you for the idea/kick in the butt. :) +Rep
  2. B

    Nirvana Weekend Whopper!!!! WW 30% off

    Ooooh, thanks for the heads up! I've been meaning to order some of Nirvana's WW, yay!
  3. B

    "space Leaf"

    The past tense of shake is shook.
  4. B

    Hitting the carb

    I dunno, that seems like it would be pretty gross. On the rare occasion I find myself without, I usually just smoke straight keef out of a 1-hitter.
  5. B

    post nasal drip

    Hah, nice. I know how you feel; I took a huge rip on an iced Gravitron bowl laced with keef and coughed so hard I threw up. NOT fun. Although twenty minutes later I was feeling wonderful. :)
  6. B

    Let me see your Natural Predators plz--here's mine

    That must be some pig! Er, spider... ;)
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    post nasal drip

    Have you been drinking cold water? Warm to room temperature water might be less irritating.
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    post nasal drip

    It might also be caused by allergies that are exacerbated by smoking, not the smoking itself. I have death allergies (they make me wish I were dead) so I've had more than my fair share of post-nasal drip. Even though it sounds and looks silly, you might consider using a neti pot: Also...
  9. B

    Need Wild Plant ID

    Where do you live? That would be helpful.
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    Ten foot cages for my HUGE 100 gallon trees !! First attempt at trees going GREAT !!!

    That looks totally amazing. Nothing beats the sun, eh?
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    stop hermie production

    What is the general consensus on using the Dutch Master technique preventatively with feminized seeds?
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    Let me see your Natural Predators plz--here's mine

    Spiders give me the heebie jeebies, but I find myself fascinated and compelled to get a closer look every time... Did she just appear in your garden, or did you re-home her there?
  13. B

    Did you know...

    How does something smell so good yet taste so salty?
  14. B

    best eye drops to use?

    I like the Rohoto's from Japan! They are so much stronger and smoother than the ones you can buy OTC here in the states. I've gotten them on Ebay before, I should order some more soon. :)
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    I need adivse on Moving / Landlords

    Property management can also be sort of a bitch... We got lucky, we just moved into a relatively new house, but our landlords live out of state. They don't have a property management company either, so it's just them. They desperately wanted to sell, but couldn't so they had to lease it...
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    20 Questions.

    1. Is it alive?
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    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump! I have cute kittens sleeping on me.
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    xbox live anyone?

    I'm still playing Bad Company 2, I can't get enough of it.
  19. B

    Indoor Ebb N Gro: NYPD and AK-48 from Nirvana (plus a couple of wildcards...)

    These pictures were all taken on my phone, I'll have to bust out the digicam later on when the going gets really good. :)
  20. B

    Indoor Ebb N Gro: NYPD and AK-48 from Nirvana (plus a couple of wildcards...)

    Here's a few more pic's of the room. And a few of the babies.