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  1. tropical

    Seed Banks in Canada?

    Speedy I like your tastes. The last time I smoked pot (its been a while) I had some Legends Ultimate Indica. They were dark green, frosty ROCK HARD buds. I'm a cancer patient and that strain was terrific for pain. I'm surprised people don't talk more about those genetics.
  2. tropical

    2 weeks flowering and growing nuts??? what should i do???

    You'll have weed with a bunch of seeds in it.
  3. tropical

    what should i do??????

    Do you mean bannanas?? Has it turned hermie? If so just pick those little buggers off.
  4. tropical

    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    Greenhorn, you are right, I actually only "heard" about the grow from the previous year, but I "saw" the grow the next year. I'm just trying to make his mind up for him. He can't go wrong either way.
  5. tropical

    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    That is my experience with this though. HOWEVER, it was only with TWO grows. Take that into consideration.
  6. tropical

    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    Uhhhm not really. The guy wants a definitive answer to this question so I thought I'd try to give him one lol, from a couple of grows I saw. In the end either will work, but he wants a definitive answer, so I gave him the most definitive answer I could muster up lol.
  7. tropical

    Should I use nutes?

    That's why I'd like to see a picture of how far this seedling is really along in its development. Does it have its first set of true leaves yet?
  8. tropical

    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    A lot of people don't dig holes more than 2 feet deep. I've heard of plants in 3 feet wide holes one year and the next year the same genetics were used in 4 ft wide holes and the grower got nearly double the yield. IMO wider is better. I've heard that the wider the circumference of the root...
  9. tropical

    Should I use nutes?

    Do you have any pics of the seedling? If you do decide to feed them now, go VERY light and pay attention to how the seedling responds. I've found that taking pictures every day of the plants help me, so I can keep track of the development.
  10. tropical

    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    Go with the wider pot man.
  11. tropical

    Longest flower ever?

    Yep, you need to get a magnifying glass and look at those trichs. If you have one on you, let us know what they are looking like. A lot of plants will really add a ton of resin in the last couple weeks. I bet that things about to turn really frosty. Oh and once again, do you have any other kind...
  12. tropical

    7 weeks of flowering MUST harvest

    That was going to be my advise. If you have to move out friday, get the plant somewhere else that is secure. Even if you have to put the thing outdoors somewhere to let it finish. I don't know your situation well enough to give you the best advice. There is absolutey nothing you can do to...
  13. tropical

    Longest flower ever?

    By the way, the finished product is going to be one hairy assed bitch lol. I love it man, I think you may be working with some haze genetics. Be sure to give a final smoke report when you are done if you don't mind. I bet its going to have a SOARING high.
  14. tropical

    Longest flower ever?

    Its difficult to say how much longer, but its probably going to take AT LEAST another 3+ weeks. Some more pictures might be a little more helpful. You're just going to have to stay patient and I can't emphasize that enough. You've grown this plant for this long already, it would be a huge...
  15. tropical

    Longest flower ever?

    Some plants can take 16 weeks to completely flower. I doubt that will be the case with yours. I've found that the Tiger Bloom from Fox Farms isn't as essential as the other two. You might want to get your hands on a different flowering nute to go along with the Tiger Bloom. Also, can you...
  16. tropical

    just a few questions

    I use Big Bud in flowering from advanced nutrients. I also use Rhino Skin, but I think that stuff is more useful for outdoor plants in non-controlled environments.
  17. tropical

    White Widow VS White Rhino?

    As for the taste of White Rhino, I've found that most White strains aren't the greatest tasting weed. The taste has never been a huge factor for me though. The high is what matters. I'm a cancer patient and probably would have LOVED the high of that White Rhino. To each his own though.
  18. tropical

    First Grow.. Day 12 Flowering - What MIGHT I Yield??

    Again my friend was pulling about 2 oz's per plant using a DWC system. The plants looked about the same size as yours at that point. You're doing really well and should get a nice amount of good herb to smoke. Good luck the rest of the way.
  19. tropical

    Best way to MAXIMIZE WATTS? Can't go BEYOND 2,000 watts.

    Also, I think a lot depends on the size of your grow space when it comes to light movers. What are your specifications? 3 600 Watt lights could cover a pretty big area and are more efficient.
  20. tropical

    Is it possible to have trichromes form UNDERNEATH the leaf.

    Bricktop, you've got some scientific knowledge my friend. Love your posts.