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  1. T

    thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS

    DAY 3 of 12/12 No water today, re-rigged my light setup so that lights are much closer to the plants. Lights and fans go on and off at 10 am / 10 pm everyday. The plants are lookin good. Still slightly droopy, but overall much perkier -> they look much bigger as a result. Notice the temp...
  2. T

    Three weeks old today....seem small...But bushy

    I kept my lights pretty close to my plants since they sprouted. My plants are small and bushy (pics in journal link below), but much larger than yours. However, I have also read that you don't need to keep lights that close during the seedling stage. My plants are small and compact, but I think...
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    thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS

    DAY 2 of Flower No Water. Put some ice and a jug of cold water in the closet to keep cool. Plant 1 is still droopy. I'm going to make sure they're nice and dry before I water them again though -> hopefully fixing any temporary watering issues. I stuck plant 2 in w/ the others. I'm going to...
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    thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS

    DAY 1 of Flower Today, i greeted my babies with light after their first 12 hours of darkness. No water today. I am almost positive at this point that all my droop-related issues have been due solely to high ambient temps in my closet. They look beautiful. SExy. YES. And happy. PICS: plants...
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    thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS

    I'm pretty sure at this point that my problem is with ambient temps rather than watering. Today, they became pretty droopy again :(. And my temps rose to around 85 steady. Unfortunately, they are in the room that receives direct sunlight. So, even though the window is closed, it heats up. Does...
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    Health Effects of Cannabis

    wow weird.
  7. T

    thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS

    Day 1 of Flower So today, plant 1 is back at its usual place. Droopy, but not ridiculously droopy. I am baffled... But whatev, I'll figure it out in the end. Added more lights and the days are getting hotter, so it's harder to keep it below 80. It now often hovers at 80 F. So, just to recap...
  8. T

    Characteristics of Root Bound Plants

    bumpbump. Nobody has a clue? Ah, something related I found somewhere on this site is that overwatering causes the ends of the leaves to curl downward like a dead spider while underwatering causes the stems/branches to droop. Can anyone validate this? My branches never seem completely straight...
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    Droopy leaves

    Yes, keep the CFLs 1-2 inches from your plant. What are your temps? on average?
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    Droopy leaves

    Heat stress? How close are your lights?
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    Health Effects of Cannabis

    well, guess i'll just have to grow my own. :D
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    Health Effects of Cannabis

    That's ridiculous. So it's the pharm, tobacco, AND logging / paper industries that are against legalization. You would think that such a beneficial plant would be quickly accepted... It's just backwards. To think of deceiving your brothers and sisters from all this for a buck. Shame. Thought we...
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    Health Effects of Cannabis

    i already responded. FOOLS! lol
  14. T

    Health Effects of Cannabis

    Fools! Thx for your info. That is a ton of shit for me to read and watch over the next week.
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    I could use help

    TY sir. I am prob gonna have to re-pot soon, just wanted to check up.
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    Characteristics of Root Bound Plants

    Hello. I am currently working on my first grow and my plant (day 17) seems to always be slightly droopy. Today when I came back from school it was extremely droopy and I fear i may have overwatered it, causing it to become rootbound. Do you know the characteristics of a root-bound plant? I...
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    I could use help

    How do you re-pot exactly? Do you spread out the roots? Or what?
  18. T

    Health Effects of Cannabis

    Hello, I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this thread, but I was wondering if we could discuss the health effects of smoking cannabis. If anyone has information or knows of any research out there comparing say cannabis to tobacco, I would love to see it! I've heard a lot about...
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    thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS

    FUCK. I got back from school today and it was hot and humid as fuck in my room, and plant 1 was really really droopy. Leaves were touching the ground and the entire plant just looked so beat. The other plants looked alright, so the problem has to be with plant 1. I watered it 4 cups of water...