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  1. cece1121

    germination question. please help out

    well you say you already planted it so if it doesnt sprout in 4 or 5 days no worries just take it out wrap it in a paper towel make sure the towel is very wet and put the towel in a cup and put the cup in a dark place like a closet and it will germinate in 3 or 4 days
  2. cece1121

    Advice and help needed!!!

    since you dont have many plants i dont they noticed them...unless they were in the middle of an empty field or something lol but if there around other plants your fine. i would only go out at night to water them and hide the equiptment you have out there
  3. cece1121

    Emergency!! They might know!!

    i wouldnt worry to much you have to realize that they werent out there looking for your plants and they had no idea they were there so the chances of them actually seeing them AND realizing what they were are very slim
  4. cece1121

    first balcony grow

    i only water once every other day sometimes every 2 days and it has started getting alot bigger
  5. cece1121

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    tell him if you catch him stealing your not giving him nada
  6. cece1121

    First Grow / Hows it Look!!! (PICS)

    i agree with the other guy definately get a fan blowing on them
  7. cece1121

    My lady at 46days flowering.

    omg where do you live i wana smoke with you lol :clap:
  8. cece1121

    Seeds still havent popped open.

    mine took 4 days...make sure you put them in a dark place and there isnt too much moisture or not enough.
  9. cece1121

    1st Grow, Need some advice plz!!

    yeah its perfectly normal for the bottom leaves to turn yellow and fall off as long as its not like half way up your plant your fine on mine the 2 little leaves the plant starts off with came off and then the first level of fan leaves. im not sure about when to harvest though because this is...
  10. cece1121

    Please Can anyone recommend some good soil for growing Marijuana

    this is my first grow but im using miracale grow potting soil with mouisture control and i grew them in there from when they were a seed and now there 3 months old and huge!
  11. cece1121

    How do I get the label "Stranger" gone

    Does it have to do with how long you have been a member or how many posts you have?
  12. cece1121

    A Simple Life

    no i happen to like my complicated chaotic life lol
  13. cece1121

    Favorite drink while stoned?

    :-P orange soda ..dr pepper..and mountain dew
  14. cece1121

    Caught stealin

    lol thats messed up...grow your own weed so you dont have to steal
  15. cece1121

    need advise on my plants

    I would really wait awhile so your plants can get bigger and then you will have more buds
  16. cece1121


    nope its already male or female --there was a chart i saw awhile ago that showed that there was a way to determine sex from the actual seed (something like the females have craters and wont roll on a table) i tried looking for it just now but no luck, im not sure if its really possible to do i...
  17. cece1121

    Can I use soil from a male plant for a female plant

    Ok so basically I had 3 plants and it turned out that only one was male and I have 2 plants left and there a little low on soil. im not gonna go out and buy more because i dont think its worth it but i was wondering if i could use the soil from the male to put some extra soil in the girls pots...
  18. cece1121

    it worked!

    wowwwwwwww! I used to eat that stuff when i was like 5 its the only cereal my mom would buy lol i dont think ive seen it in the store since... well i havent really looked but that was really good cereal i think im getting some next time i go shopping!
  19. cece1121

    Your best local Pizza Place?

    i always just order from pizza hut a large pepperoni lover's stuff crust pizza :grin: oh and if u order online you get a 20 percent discount or a free medium one topping pizza! :o its only for the first time you order online but i just make a new account everytime lol and i order at least once a...
  20. cece1121

    Growing in florida?

    I've been growing since mid july when will my flowering cycle start..or has it started and when should i harvest?