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  1. G

    G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk Grow !!!!

    I just sampled some Thai Super Skunk I had in 12 12. The bud had hardly any frost showing and I didn't think it would amount to much, but I just wanted to see if there was any promise or suggestion of what is to come. I had about 3 hits while helping the mrs clean house for a visit from her...
  2. G

    Male/Female ratio rant!!!!

    Maybe I should blame my 6500K CFLs? I've been whining because I want a seed crop from my Mazar and so far out of ten plants 5 have shown their sex and they are all female.
  3. G

    Funny looking bud

    I'd bet heavy on seeds, too.
  4. G

    Arctic Guerilla Farming - A few questions

    It can work. I raise vegetables in a cold frameinto winter. With Lowriders you should be fine with one of these cheaply and easily constructed mini greenhouses. As a benefit, the coldframes are pretty inconspicuous too, with their low profile. You'll want some thermal mass in the box at first...
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    Holes in leafs from inside out

    Dwarf, I'd never used spinosad (been retired from market gardening a few years now) but from what I've read it breaks down fairly quickly in sunlight and has a low toxicity to people. If I had some pad bug outbreaks its something I'd try if I didn't have a good pyrethrum spray.
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    Too much cow manure

    a 4' deep hole is pretty big. I bet you'll be fine. That stuff is no where near as strong as chemical fertilizers. Its probably less than a 1-1-1 npk level
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    Too much cow manure

    If it was the bagged cow manure you find at garden centers then you should be fine. Most of this BS has been taken from large commercial lots and left out to compost in the sun and rain and fairly low nitrogen levels. If this BS was some you hauled from a barn, and contains bedding such...
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    Holes in leafs from inside out

    Tobacco sprays, while effective, are risky because of the number of plant viruses found in tobacco. I'd go with pyrethroid sprays for all bugs. If its only caterpillars(and that is a common culprit) then use a BT spray for caterpillars. BT is a bacteria that clogs the guts of caterpillars...
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    A good and healthy soil mix for outdoors

    Wood ashes work well in acid soil. Good hardwood ashes are also high in calcium and potassium as well! I always add them to my veggie garden.
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    Attitude: KC Brains

    The individual seeds are good, particularly if you just have a small grow space and can't afford too many young males wasting grow area. The thing I prefer of getting more seeds of a variety is that I can then sort out which one I like best and clone from there.
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    Need Help With A Pesky Little Bastard

    I had to chase one off with moth flakes and balls. You can get these at most grocery stores. Put some down his hole and sprinkle some a few feet away from your plants. That woodchuck won't bother you again.
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    Hemp Seeds

    I swear I can't walk 200 feet along any fencerow around here without finding some ditchweed. Check out rural roadways/ train tracks in Iowa, Nebraska, Southern Minnesota and Illinois. Its all over the place.
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    my grow

    I think the difference is simply in the seeds genetics. Some varieties have a lot of different phenos. That short plant looks good.
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    Attitude: KC Brains

    Germination problems can be caused by lots of things out of the breeders control. In this case, I've recent experience with KC Brains Cristal Paradise and can report no germination problems. I can't help you (yet) with the factor that is most important to me: the final quality of the...
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    Farm Soil

    One can also assume he's applied herbicide, or will be applying herbicide soon. Common corn pre-emergent herbicides like atrazine last quite a while into the season. You can beat atrazine an other pre-emergent herbicides by digging a gallon or two sized whole and adding a grow mix of your own...
  16. G

    Help Please

    I like my guerrilla grows to look natural. I try to place the plants on the sunny sides of trees and shrubbery, or backdrops like steep banks. Let's call them the edges. This helps break up the plants outline. I also don't go in for camoflaging my guerilla grows. Look at it this way, a lot...
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    Growing in the Midwest

    The weather is good for pot in Indiana. Too bad about the police attitude there, its the Mississippi of the north.
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    Problem..Please help!

    What a compassionate post!. Something is truly wrong with this country that they lock up peaceful gardeners and sick people while letting pharmaceutical company leeches walk free.
  19. G

    Help Please

    Great idea Frmrboi! I used to use these in my market garden to get early or late crops of tomatoes and peppers.. They are also great for keeping a lot of bugs at bay. And Vessey's is a good place for veggie seeds and garden aides. If you were doing a backyard grow they would work very well at...
  20. G

    Solo Guerilla Growing

    I'm a country boy, grew up working and wandering in the fields, woods and slews. Deer, coyotes, raccoons, possums, these animals are not threats. I do have some rattlesnakes here but I take basic snake country precautions. My advice if your afraid of the outdoors is to befriend a dog. I...