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  1. Cannanonymous

    Hermaphrodite question

    Well that is always an option if you have 10 plants. If I had 2 I wouldnt use both my plants for that. But that is just me my friend.
  2. Cannanonymous

    Hermaphrodite question

    The same way I could take 20 bag seeds and have them all females without proving anything dont you think? Im not saying you are wrong and I am right because I dont have much experience in the hermie field. Look at...
  3. Cannanonymous

    Starting LST on day 12 Veg 2 early?!?

    Well, if you did it right then you wont have one set of those leaves…. you will have two! Now just let her keep veggin. Are you sure you dont want to look into doing a 4 way LST? It would give you a lot more yield and she will grow to the sides instead of like a pine. It is always up to...
  4. Cannanonymous

    Hermaphrodite question

    I BELIEVE you can do it, but I have HEARD that you might have a chance of just getting another hermie (just like when you cross male and female, you have your chances). Are you looking for making feminized seeds? there are other methods. Cheers!
  5. Cannanonymous

    Starting LST on day 12 Veg 2 early?!?

    Well man, you should probably try to do some topping now. Unless you dont want her to just grow upwards with less bud. Believe me, you cant go that wrong when topping a plant, you either top it or you FIM it. I doubt you are going to rip the whole plant apart by topping. So I suggest you to give...
  6. Cannanonymous

    message to first time growers

    Haha its like communitary service for stoners.
  7. Cannanonymous

    message to first time growers

    Peace guys peace! We here for growing what makes us happy. Are we going to argue during the whole faking process? Jeez I think you guys need a smoke. NOT cigashit smoke of course bongsmilie
  8. Cannanonymous

    What to do with this weird lady

    Well, if I want to transplant I would have to get some soil first. Do you think that she must be transplanted now? I have seen entire grows in solo cups (im not saying its the best way) and she has the size of a 7 day old seedling. What do you mean by clipping her? Sorry but I am doing my best...
  9. Cannanonymous

    Starting LST on day 12 Veg 2 early?!?

    I dont really THINK that is enough to make a plant hermie (male plants do not come from stress, rather they become both) Have you considered doing a 4 way LST? How many nods do you have there? Cheers!
  10. Cannanonymous

    What to do with this weird lady

    She is in a solo cup, but her size is not a real problem for that cup. I really doubt that she has huge roots if she is so small. I am using cheap ass potting soil that I had sitting around and needed to get rid off (dont worry its the first and last time it happens) How do you think I should...
  11. Cannanonymous

    What to do with this weird lady

    Oh I will, I just dont know how to approach her as normal rules and procedures do not apply to her. Cheers! and thanks for the compliments, Im pretty sure she felt the good vibes! :eyesmoke:
  12. Cannanonymous

    What to do with this weird lady

    JD, That is the thing, I think she is already late for HST or LST. I dont know if its good to train plants after they are getting to their flowering. In the other hand if I dont do anything I will probably get a firm and very tight popcorn out of her :lol:. About the DNA, well I would say I...
  13. Cannanonymous

    What to do with this weird lady

    This lady is as big as a big cannabis leaf, if she gave me 17g I would be fucking impressed. I dont even know how to go on nutes with her if any. I might just give her water until harvest.
  14. Cannanonymous

    What to do with this weird lady

    Hi fellas, So as a couple of you know, I started a White Widow last month. However, I ripped one of her cotyledons when tried to remove the shell….. :dunce: Anyways, she has been growing with ABSOLUTELY no internod space. I switch to 12/12 2 weeks ago just to finish these two ladies (I have a...
  15. Cannanonymous

    who needs help?

    No offense vega, but I think he was kinda joking. I dont think somebody with 1200 posts would be asking something like that. I would expect it from scum like DORITOS that wants to ask shit in everybody's thread.
  16. Cannanonymous

    Message from a grateful newbie!!!

    I dont think I contributed at all, but Im glad to see you managed to get those two ladies well. Keep it up! :bigjoint: Now use the knowledge and back it up with a lot more reading so that you can distinguish the advices that may suit you from the ones that may not apply to your situation. I hope...
  17. Cannanonymous

    flowering already?? wtf!!

    That is the thing with autos, you tell normal girls to do as you want. Autos dont give a shit about anything. Depending on what interests you its good or bad. Looking very healthy! Are you using tin foil as reflector? Not the best option I must say. Mylar or white paint my friend. Cheers! :bigjoint:
  18. Cannanonymous

    new comer in need of help

    Well, a shed would probably occupy half my place haha. One day I will be there my friend, one day. :weed:
  19. Cannanonymous

    new comer in need of help

    If my grow was my man cave then I would have to be inside my fakin closet all day haha!
  20. Cannanonymous

    new comer in need of help

    Very true, you probably dont want to end up with males (idk if you know this but males arent smokable and they will screw any other females you got in the room) because I dont think you want to do any breeding or any of that shit right now. Get some fem seeds that go with what you want. :bigjoint: