Search results

  1. simpleman420

    Easiest Way

    what would be the easiest way to grow shrooms?and the cheapest ahah:dunce:
  2. simpleman420

    Trich Pics from a newbie

    dude i bet your pot reeks hahah looks awesome!!!
  3. simpleman420

    Lemon skunk 12/12 from seed

    looking sweet as fuck man.
  4. simpleman420

    October Grow 2011

    lol "that one is still fucked up" looking good man.
  5. simpleman420

    1200 watt closet grow allkush

    i would sell like crazy.
  6. simpleman420

    Cartel Weed

    mexican death FTW
  7. simpleman420

    Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!

    that's that hurt man.hope he get's out this shit.FUCK COPS.
  8. simpleman420

    HOLY SHIT POLICE RAID!!! Dont get much closer

    close call.all i can say ahhah
  9. simpleman420

    noob outdoor how am i doing?

    i see pounds in your future hahaha
  10. simpleman420

    first grow,comments welcome

    looks dope man,good job!
  11. simpleman420

    Just rate my Grow and Pics Please, This Is my First Major Grow!!!

    can't wait to see the product man.looking sick as fuck
  12. simpleman420

    Stealth Desk growin 007 style

    i like the way you use the space you got man.i think i might do mine like yours !
  13. simpleman420

    Is this safe? PIC included

    looks cool man.budget grow always the best one.
  14. simpleman420

    a little advice

    man im glad i have the nice people RIU to help me.hopefully my first grow will be the first of many lol
  15. simpleman420

    a little advice

    thanks for the advice man.trying to learn all i can before i start ya know
  16. simpleman420

    a little advice

    okay, does it really matter what you start your plants?can you just start them out in a 5gal bucket?or do you have to start them off in little pots the go up sizes as it grows?bongsmilie stay rippedbongsmilie
  17. simpleman420

    BAG or JAR??

    whatever gets the bud wouldnt matter to me.whatever i had at the time i guess
  18. simpleman420

    OUTDOOR GROW HARVEST: PART 1 - Moby-Dick, Medi-Cal,Trainwreck 2+week cure

    lots of smoke or lots of money.either way beautiful grow man.i would like to see more.
  19. simpleman420

    Haze Harvest 2011

    yet another beautiful harvest.wish i had a quarter of that.
  20. simpleman420


    your bud looks dank as fuck man.what strain is it?