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  1. J

    Switching to ro

    I'm a newbie but let me try. With RO water, your initial water PPM will be lower. You might have less cal/mag due to some already being in the tap water. When you add your nutes you might have to add slightly more to overcome the above.
  2. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    This is what mine looked like before I put them into flower, this is when I had 4 plants and had to remove the 2 that were male. You can see how much bigger they got when they started flowering.
  3. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    Sunflower bloomed! I also did some light defoliation this morning because a lot of the upper fan leaves were blocking light from reaching the middle/lower section and some of the leaves in the middle section were clumping up. Hopefully I did more good than harm by doing that. I think I'm around...
  4. J

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    I have no experience with Alibaba but a quick look on that website certainly reveals you can get lights for a great price. What about this...
  5. J

    dry my weed

    I also live in the humid south. My room went from 75% humidity to 45-50% after I bought this. I just put it in the bedroom where my plants are (closet). Works very well but I have to empty it daily and it also...
  6. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    I kind of figured that. I will update in a few weeks. Thanks guys.
  7. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    I actually had the seeds on hand already as I bought a huge bag of them for growing microgreens. I just started a few of them with my daughter as she likes them. I have a few in the yard too. So how long does it look like before these might be ready for harvest?
  8. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    There is a sunflower in there too. Just threw it in there to see what would happen. It's been happy off to the side and should bloom soon.
  9. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    Update. These are the 2 plants I have. Any ballpark on how long until they are ready? One of them are clearly ahead of the other one.
  10. J

    Help identifying trichome colors please!

    Great looking plant! May I ask what you are using to get those pictures?
  11. J

    Cupped leaves and burnt tips

    I am in no place to give good advise as I'm doing my first grow now, but coming from a newbie perspective, I am using this and have had very little issues and its cheap...
  12. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    I found a solution, but it was more than I wanted to spend. This was nearly 200 dollars but it works very well from what I can tell. Been running up there for half a day and already lowered it down to 46% I just put it in the room and left the closet door open.
  13. J

    What in the world is this?

    I think I figured it out. Florida Leaf Footed Bug
  14. J

    What in the world is this?

    So after googling I don't think it is a chinch bug as what i read say they are tiny, like 1/6 of an inch long. This guy was everybit of 2-3 inches long.
  15. J

    What in the world is this?

    Thanks. Will let em be even though he is a bit scarey. Did you notice the cute little red and blue bug in the photo too :)
  16. J

    What in the world is this?

    I have a couple outdoor plants that I'm mainly just letting do with they do as a test while I care for my indoor plants. I noticed both of my plants had one of these on them. What is this? Is this a bad pest?
  17. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    anyone want to comment about the humidity? someone has to have experience with this and have a good solution.
  18. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    Oh and the one on the right appears to be a lighter color than the one on the left. Is that okay or does that look like a problem?
  19. J

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    So I ordered a new hygrometer and the first one wasn't lying. It is humid. Not only is it humid in the grow closet, its just straight humid everywhere in my house. Completely opposite part of my house and on another floor it was 70%. Now I do live in the south and its plain humid where I live...
  20. J

    How many can I fit?

    I did not. The only thing I did was topped them so I assume if I did lst they would have filled out even more horizontally instead of vertically. The light I have is the mars hyrdo ts 1000 and it says its for a 3x3 but to be honest i feel like having 2 of them in there would be better.