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  1. solvalou

    Bump If You Are On Something!

    I will carry out my intentions but my timeframe depends on supply
  2. solvalou

    Bump If You Are On Something!

    why did I just post in here? I dunno . To keep it on topic I intend to be on dmt in couple months :)
  3. solvalou

    Bump If You Are On Something!

    just woke up after a night smoking some rather nice blue Himalaya. I was mashed as its been a while
  4. solvalou

    Ann Coulter: Radiation is good for our health

    yeah lol i remember that also , NOTHING WILL SURVIVE WITHIN A 20 MILE RADIUS, if i remember correctly they still ran the other reactors until 98 even though one blew up in 86
  5. solvalou

    What's more depressing, the Tsunami in Japan or this fucking BULLSHIT!!!

    yes you are......... shift over im coming with you its boring here
  6. solvalou

    Ann Coulter: Radiation is good for our health

    some of what she says seems to be true in that humans can withstand high amounts of certain radiation with no short term or long term health issues. not all radiation is bad for you, stop being sheeple and lapping up what fox news and all say, go look it up for yourself
  7. solvalou

    Fan leaves outta control,need advice

    ive recently removed 12 big fan leaves from my jock horror im hoping it does ok cause i wanna do it to the other 3. 4 plants in a 60x60x120 tent im getting hardly any light through the canopy.
  8. solvalou

    Let's have a Revolution in the USA!

    go back to the founding principles of the constitution and ban big bussines influence on government is all you guys need to do, oh and stop sticking your nose into other country's issue's and you will be a country that people will again envy and wish to emulate
  9. solvalou

    Can USA Get Back On Track

    from where i sit (the uk) and this is just my opinion but the US desperately needs to get big business out of government. you don't realize how corrupt your gov looks to outside country's, when a corporation can throw money at politicians to favor there own agenda's regardless of how it affects...
  10. solvalou

    Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground

    it really depends on which news source you are taking your information from.
  11. solvalou

    Can USA Get Back On Track

    you guys started going wrong when you declared independence ;)
  12. solvalou

    Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground

    the way i see it is this : the rebels win , they go after Gaddafi supporters = alot of people dead gaddafi wins , they go after the rebels and there supporters = alot of people dead. why the hell would you want to get involved in that shitstorm ? even if the rebels win how can you be...
  13. solvalou

    Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground hopefully they take out some of his weapons that way they can sell him more.
  14. solvalou

    Reactors abandoned?

    a reactor with serious design flaws, designed in America could blow up in japan and possibly radiate parts of the US !
  15. solvalou

    Reactors abandoned?

    well thats a nice place to store the used fuel rods
  16. solvalou

    jock horror auto x4 cfl

    not much more going on except holy shit its getting crowded in here i counted 12 branches that will be showing at the top of the canopy before there done :o:shock:
  17. solvalou

    Attitude!! Come on?!?

    finally dispatched 11 days after my order :) good job im not in a rush
  18. solvalou

    jock horror auto x4 cfl

    i was hoping they were going to get taller but i dont mind, these are supposed to be finished after 9-11 weeks and so i want to go as long as possible before adding anything, i think i have till there 8 weeks old before il have to add nuets, hopefully i can go the last 3 weeks without killin them :)
  19. solvalou

    jock horror auto x4 cfl

    just a little update on my first(ish) grow i have 4 jock horrors the biggest of wich is about 5 weeks and has been in flower for about 5 days then i have 2 others about 4 weeks old then one about 3 weeks old :) swapped out my 250w blue cfl for a 125w red and 2x 45w blue to give the flowering...