Libya: No Fly Zone is a Go! International Effort and No Troops on the Ground


Active Member
the way i see it is this :
the rebels win , they go after Gaddafi supporters = alot of people dead
gaddafi wins , they go after the rebels and there supporters = alot of people dead. why the hell would you want to get involved in that shitstorm ?

even if the rebels win how can you be certain that libya wont end up with another dictator or worse a western installed one under the banner of DEMOCRACY


Well-Known Member
They are still shelling the people if the news is accurate.
I thought I heard it suggested that Gaddafi's forces are trying to take that area before they quit.
I hope the U.N. Starts bombing
Gaddafi's forces to get them to stop now.

I am not in favor of killing but these "troops" are shelling civilians in their homes not enemy troops.

Hey how did Obama do? I thought his speech was solid.



Well-Known Member
I think this is the "last stand."
It seems to be about grabbing control more than going into a cease fire. Maybe they are arrogant and going to provoke bombing of attacking forces.

Possible Air Strikes Loom for Qaddafi Troops Outside Benghazi

Posted by Kim Spaulding on Mar 18, 2011 in Economy, Featured News, Philanthropy | View Comments

Benghazi rebels will need help as soon as they get it as Qaddafi forces are narrowing in.

The United Nations Security Council, in 10-0 approved resolution that has given authorization to the U.S., the U.K., France and Arab nations to protect civilians in Libya using all necessary measures. The authorization is not inclusive of foreign occupation wherever in Libya. An emergency Cabinet meeting was called by U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron as France is ready for military action in hours. Muammar Qaddafi forces near rebel base Benghazi may be in for air strikes.
A report by Agence France-Presse said Qaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam sent word that troops will avoid Benghazi penetration but they will remain to surround it as he threatened to put opposition movement down. He added Benghazi will be recaptured and will show no mercy to traitors unwilling to lay down arms.


Well-Known Member
Yes.. I am a fan of the CNN style news.

Al Jazeera is not perfect I am finding out but they do have people on the ground and in the thick of it.
They even had a cameraman assassinated trying to cover the news.. Brave people bringing us news.

What are you watching?

Al Jazeera is playing our Presidents speech and he sounds good! I think he presents a solid image.

Edit; It could be that the Government is split in two. That is the Military is not going to comply until they take back the country.

if anyone want to see a CNN like news that streams on the internet


Well-Known Member
Yeah what a sick f**k.

I'm not going to say I know what is the truth of the factions who are fighting but I have seen enough blood for a while.

Strafing people with jet aircraft is really messed up.


Well-Known Member
the way i see it is this :
the rebels win , they go after Gaddafi supporters = alot of people dead
gaddafi wins , they go after the rebels and there supporters = alot of people dead. why the hell would you want to get involved in that shitstorm ?

even if the rebels win how can you be certain that libya wont end up with another dictator or worse a western installed one under the banner of DEMOCRACY
Not our problem man. Anyways Qadafi is cool as Dictators go.


Well-Known Member
The World isn't standing by.

I can't imagine what it's like to live in Libya but I have to ask myself if I would be as brave as these people have been.
We are so mounted here. What actually makes you think you are freer than those in Libya? We have robots taking our picture and sending citations in the mail. Nazi suspicionless checkpoints on our interstates. I can go on and on.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree on the growth of the "spy" industry but we may want to consider that it isn't so much that our defense industry is rising to spy it's more spin off technology from massive war funding used to spy on others but the result is the same.

What did somebody say.. "Can't we all just get a Bong?"

It's not really funny I know.


Well-Known Member
Reportedly there are now French fighters in the air over Libya. The U.S. will handle command and control, bringing technology to bear.

We are effectively at war with Libya. The U.S. and coalition partners are also at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. I am wondering, what constitutes a "World War"? I am not suggesting we are in WWII (yet), but what does it take to call it that? I suppose a proxy war with China through the Koreas would certainly do it. Maybe if Iran decides to circumvent unrest there or gets too far along with its nukes, they will require some kind of action too. I don't think we've seen the end of falling states in the Mideast, either..not by a longshot.

So at what point do we have WWIII?


Well-Known Member
I'd say the War is ongoing. Economic interests are the War.

But, perhaps the Middle east is evolving more now than it has for 100 years past?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And the french have now started shooting on military vehicles. How is this not war? :D Bet the french didn't give a damn what it was classed as so long as they could put it in the books that they led the charge, save some face after all these years :lol:

One of the UK war correspondents has stated that there is a very good chance that there are now special forces on the ground assisting in aquiring targets.

Economic interests are indeed in the war, people often say "how, they've bankrupted the country" well because the profits aren't going to the country, they're going to the few :D


Well-Known Member
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Gaddafi are political bed buddies.

So There is a personal connect...



Well-Known Member
I have a phrase I thought I would throw out. "Remote Revolution" as in remote control.

When it has been said "No-Fly_Zone" this is a broader measure including attacking military mobilizations.

Kinda cool that the effort is to get control of the machine and keep human costs down. Has war become the template for a World Police?

Is this a high tech police action?


Undercover Mod
U.S., the Brits and France fucking the shit out of Ghadafi. 110 tomahawk cruise missiles launched at strategic air defenses.


Well-Known Member
And the french have now started shooting on military vehicles. How is this not war? :D Bet the french didn't give a damn what it was classed as so long as they could put it in the books that they led the charge, save some face after all these years :lol:

One of the UK war correspondents has stated that there is a very good chance that there are now special forces on the ground assisting in aquiring targets.

Economic interests are indeed in the war, people often say "how, they've bankrupted the country" well because the profits aren't going to the country, they're going to the few :D
I can promise you that if there are allied fighters over Libya, there are combat controllers and Recon units on the ground at the very least, especially if they are hitting ground targets. My suspicion is that there have been some guys over there for a while now.:fire: