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  1. Daxus

    Coughing Up black/ gray mucus *Warning, Photo's of said mucus inside*

    Too late, shit, last time I take advice from a stranger on an internet forum before waiting for their post correction! *gags* :P
  2. Daxus

    Administration to make kids working on farms illegal.

    I have to quote George Carlin on this one "Shit, what ever happened to natural selection, survival of the fittest, the kid who swallows too many marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own."
  3. Daxus

    Administration to make kids working on farms illegal.

    So the Amish can determine when a child is ready to use dangerous farm implements but the rest of us need the government to tell us when our kids are able?
  4. Daxus


    Does anyone else here not drive? This is something that's plagued me for some time. I got my permit, went to drivers ed, was scared shitless and taught badly the entire time and have never been comfortable behind the wheel. I never got my license, I just have a State ID, and I have no desire to...
  5. Daxus

    if god existed

    If they have, they haven't got enough proof to convince other people, or they chock it up to divine intervention letting them see it happen and that's why no one else did.
  6. Daxus

    Administration to make kids working on farms illegal.

    All your kids, are belong to U.S.
  7. Daxus

    Administration to make kids working on farms illegal.

    Kids really do need to be taught the value of money, I wish I had been made to get a job sooner than I was, I have a feeling as an only child I was spoiled pretty bad I just didn't take on as much of the attitude for some reason.
  8. Daxus

    if god existed

    Completely depends on the size, shape and way the Universe works. I watched an interesting "Through the Wormhole" about the shape of the universe that had some really good ideas but it's all conjecture when it comes down to it. I'd like the comparison that was made in regard to it working much...
  9. Daxus

    Who you gonna vote if (when) Ron Paul loses?

    Not to sound like a Paulite fanatic but it's NOT over, the media has been saying Romney is the nominee by majority since the beginning practically, but that doesn't make it so. Yes the odds are extraordinarily awful for him but you know what they say about assumptions. There's no need to tell...
  10. Daxus

    Administration to make kids working on farms illegal.

    That is terrible, but I think a lot of it depends on how the kid was raised, and what they're capable of doing and understanding risks and safety. This kind of bill doesn't apply across the board as it's definitely situational from my experience. Also like it was already mentioned in rural areas...
  11. Daxus

    if god existed

    I once had someone try to convince me that hell is in the center of the earth, it meets all the criteria what with the heat and magma (lake of fire) etc. and that it's more than big enough to hold the souls of every person that died even if no one went to heaven. Almost had me finding it...
  12. Daxus

    Administration to make kids working on farms illegal.

    Where I live it's primarily a farming community, and while I didn't grow up on a farm, most farm kids that have to do chores don't seem to have any problem with it once they reach a reasonable level of maturity. For a lot of people around here having kids help is a huge part of their farm, and...
  13. Daxus

    Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

    Well if that's the case then I'd get to a different doctor pronto and find out what's up.
  14. Daxus

    Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

    I had the exact same problem and this ^ really helps! Sometimes just GOING outside, get some fresh air and walk around can make a huge difference. It's a matter of willpower, you just gotta go "Okay enough of this shit" and DO it. It's hard but maybe you could get a friend to help. Shit I've...
  15. Daxus

    girl scout cookies

    This is just clever marketing if you ask me. Everyone knows stoners devour GSC, make a weed that smells like it, it doesn't matter how good it is if it still gets you high and has that smell it's going to be bought.
  16. Daxus

    Militant Atheists calm down.

    I actually regret some of that wording since "negative" is subject to perspective as well. Co-existence is the key. And thank you, I swear I learned better morals from my parents, local farmers and stoners than anything I was taught about good behavior in school, tv, internet or any other form...
  17. Daxus

    Coughing Up black/ gray mucus *Warning, Photo's of said mucus inside*

    Judas Priest and I've been thinking lately I need to cut back a achievement unlocked..."Altered Perspective"
  18. Daxus

    Militant Atheists calm down.

    I don't think nonsense should be ridiculed for what it is, because "nonsense" is subject to perception, no matter how stupid that persons perception may seem to us we're not them. After all in the words of Willy Wonka "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men". I think it's...
  19. Daxus

    Coughing Up black/ gray mucus *Warning, Photo's of said mucus inside*

    I can't imagine smoking more than that, actually me personally can't imagine smoking more than twice a day generally. Unless it's lower quality or something, but then it's very different for me personally too. I weigh like 117 soaking wet and have an insanely fast metabolism (consumes 12 tacos...
  20. Daxus

    Who you gonna vote if (when) Ron Paul loses?

    I always vote and I think half the problem is everyone says "There's no way we can do anything why bother". If everyone would stop taking that mentality and go out and vote third party theoretically it should shake the two-party system up pretty bad. But everyone thinks everyone else won't so...