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  1. Daxus

    You Got Busted. What Where You Doing Wrong?

    You must be dealing with some well funded cops. And that's not always the case, sometimes even the FBI has trouble with these new fangled gadgets:
  2. Daxus

    Feel like I stole...

    I would say the bad karma lies on the guy that gave it away and not you if it wasn't in his power to do that. If it was the owner then it's good karma for him for helping someone out.
  3. Daxus

    Who you gonna vote if (when) Ron Paul loses?

    Probably not no, never claimed I did, just saying I'd rather vote for a loser that I agree with than a winner I don't.
  4. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    Opiates always take me to heaven for a little while then drag me to hell while wearing off. Can't wait to be rid of them completely officially so I can let a kinder plant take their place.
  5. Daxus

    R.I.P. Frank C.

    *takes hat off in respect to a fallen Maine toker* Hopefully he's blazing a big one in a better place.
  6. Daxus

    Who you gonna vote if (when) Ron Paul loses?

    I'm going to pull a Jerry Seinfeld here "Ehh, nobody listens". :P
  7. Daxus

    I went on the worst date ever

    My Analysis: 1. Okay sketchy but overlookable, sometimes people have shit cars and can't help it. 2. I hate that but you can't win em all, so I'd have to let this one slide too, as it's not his fault he was misrepresented. 3. As an extremely awkward person I know about this, I usually try to...
  8. Daxus

    Marijuana's effect on personal spirituality and philosophy

    Amen to that. Just because you're good at faking being happy and having it together better than me, doesn't make it true, and in fact most times if you have to go through all that effort you have worse issues than I do.
  9. Daxus

    Who you gonna vote if (when) Ron Paul loses?

    I'm going to vote for Ron Paul anyway. There are several reasons: A.) No one can say to me I can't bitch about the government because I voted for who won or because I didn't vote. B.) Because I'd rather vote for someone who has no chance than someone I don't agree with. Dad consistently reminds...
  10. Daxus

    A MJ Inspired Poem

    At 12:11AM December 29th, 2011 (or so says the date I put on it) I woke up still burnt from my nightly session and began typing madly on my computer, then rolled over and went back to sleep. When I woke the next morning this is what was there, I've never shared it with anyone yet, so don't make...
  11. Daxus

    Droopy seedling

    Haha I was expecting to see something like my first and only attempt to grow. Gave it too much nitrogen and it just shot up and drooped over and died. This little guy you have looks healthy and happy though :bigjoint:
  12. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    The illusion of power can be as efficient if not more efficient than actual power. I think because Doctors hold so much control in the realm of prescriptions, health care, and what they can let you do it always makes me feel bad asking them for pain meds that have the stigma of being abused...
  13. Daxus

    want to donate

    I was wondering about this as well, so how does one get into the Elite Rolling Society now? :P
  14. Daxus

    F.Y.I. You Can Have GREATER MASTERY Of Yourself In Your DReam State.

    If this is the case, which I don't think it's ever been actually proven the Pineal gland releases DMT though it's often stated as fact, then how do you know you're not just "high" and hallucinating rather than having a spiritual experience? Where does one draw the line between something that...
  15. Daxus

    Guy Toker looking for female Tokers

    This thread has turned into something much scarier than I expected. *Adds "Raped by superheros" to list of fears*
  16. Daxus

    Marijuana's effect on personal spirituality and philosophy

    It's good to hear when the herb brings two people closer together instead of tearing them apart. I think the number of people who use only to hide and escape their problems are the minority. At least I'd like to hope so, and while I can't say I've never smoked for that purpose, I try to...
  17. Daxus

    need help!!

    Sounds like nutrient lockout to me but I'm not a grower so I'm not sure. Hope someone more knowledgeable comes along that can confirm. Best of luck!
  18. Daxus

    Marijuana's effect on personal spirituality and philosophy

    I guess part of the problem is I don't really know what I enjoy doing in terms of a job/career. I know what I'm GOOD at, and what I can do well, but that's a different story. I'm sure I'll figure it out though, as people keep telling me, I'm still young. And I have to agree with what you said...
  19. Daxus

    F.Y.I. You Can Have GREATER MASTERY Of Yourself In Your DReam State.

    Amen to that. I've tried to lucid dream several times for several years and rarely have the time and discipline to do it proper. Achieved it twice to my recollection. Once I levitated a car by waving my hand and hurled it into a building, the first time all I did was make a lightbulb flicker...
  20. Daxus

    Marijuana's effect on personal spirituality and philosophy

    I think everyone feels that way at some point when baked lol