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  1. HellValley

    Any guesses on dry weight I could expect

    No, should be close to jarring this weekend. Been hanging since this past Sunday. Kept temps around 65 with humidity around 45 to 50
  2. HellValley

    Any guesses on dry weight I could expect

    First grow, any idea what I may expect to get after drying? 4 different strains, used colored clothes hangers for each strain to keep things organized
  3. HellValley

    Light question

    Thanks, I may set it up and run it for a few days and monitor the temps
  4. HellValley

    Light question

    I have a 4 by 4 tent running a 600 watt hps, I have a smaller tent I use for drying but was considering growing in it as well. I have a second 600 watt hps I could use in this tent, but its only a 27inch by 27 inch by 6ft tall mars tent. Woukd 600 be over kill? It is a cool tube hps
  5. HellValley

    First grow harvest pics

    Harvested 4 autos only took pic of 2 of my plants. Kinda drop the ball on the other 2. Then a pic of my drying tent and had to put some in grow tent as well. 2 of the strains had nice dense buds. Others were airy type buds, unsure what I may have done wrong going to research into the strains...
  6. HellValley

    First grow, should I harvest

    If it makes any difference there all autos and has been 14 weeks since popping out of soil.
  7. HellValley

    First grow, should I harvest

    First time grower, sorry for the amount of pics. Just wanted to give best possible photos I could. First picture is of all plants. Next 3 are a northern lights. Next 3 are green crack. Last 3 are a blue amnesia. And any guesses on what I can expect for harvest amount
  8. HellValley

    GH Flora series for soil?

    I use the gh flora series, but I'm growing in a pro mix soil. Which is peat based. So far I haven't had any issues with it. Would recommend letting your plants tell you how much to feed, I went with the gh drain to waste feed chart and plants needed way more nutes. I'm about 7 weeks into...
  9. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    Awesome info everyone. Just to give a little insight into grow, there all autos. I am growing in a pro mix peat mix with added perlite and vermiculite. Using general hydroponics flora trio. There planted in 5gal smart pots, in 4 by 4 tent. I'm running a 600watt hps light.
  10. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    Had wife take these real quick for me, main colas on the ladies. Lights on right now didnt have her turn in off
  11. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    Thanks, I will keep an eye on the pistols and use that as a judging point to know I am getting closer
  12. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    Thanks everyone. They have been getting quite dank past few weeks. Just been hoping not to kill them this entire grow
  13. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    First grow as well so unsure when to chop. I have no issues waiting longer, would rather let them reach full maturity
  14. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    This was 3 days ago
  15. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    Was of leaves. Will take one off flower when I can, as well as plants tonight or before work tommorrow
  16. HellValley

    Should I harvest

    Pics of trichomes off of 3 of my ladies Green crack Blue amnesia Northern lights
  17. HellValley

    FLORA SERIES 3 part hard water

    I use the gh flora series. I have hard water as well, it's actually well water. Out of faucet in runs 300 to 350 ppms, with a ph value of 6.8. I do not use the hard water gh series. I add cal mag usually 5 to 6 ml every watering. I do not water to run off, I water when pots are light and...
  18. HellValley

    FLORA SERIES 3 part hard water

    Are you using well or city water? If city water or a municipal water source you should be able to gain access to a ppm breakdown of what is in your water, public information will be free. If well water most health departments and water softener companies can test water and give you a ppms...
  19. HellValley

    First Grow Getting Closer to Harvest

    I have a scope. Just haven't mastered using it to get a good view yet.