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  1. HellValley

    First Grow Getting Closer to Harvest

    Running 4 diffeent auto strains, first time grower. Hope that I'm in for a good harvest.
  2. HellValley

    First grow, the wait is killing me

    Close to 8 weeks on autos as of now from peaking out of soil. Few weeks to go. But looking like a decent amount of buds
  3. HellValley

    How much to water and when to water ?

    I'm no expert but yes could be under watering. Easiest way to know is water wait few hours and see if plant seems go have perked up
  4. HellValley

    How much to water and when to water ?

    Water consumption during flowering will be considerably higher then during veg. Do you water to runoff or just an amount you mix up and use.
  5. HellValley

    Help with discolor/turning pale from inside out

    Upper leaves it appears. Maybe light to close?
  6. HellValley

    Is this a magnesium deficiency?

    1000 watt is a lot of light, but not overkill depending on tent size and number of plants
  7. HellValley

    Spots on upper leaves

    I will on next grow likely. This was my first grow.
  8. HellValley

    Bottom leaves yellowing 3 weeks into flowering

    I watered today I had been running 700 ppm at feeding, was what a member had suggested. I bumped up feeds today and fee with 900ppm.
  9. HellValley

    Spots on upper leaves

    Tap. Well water. Runs around 6.8ph and 250ppm right out of faucet. I try and keep ppm around 700 when watering, this time around I upped the amounts and have just over 900ppm with a ph of 6.1. Roughly 3 weeks into floweing
  10. HellValley

    Spots on upper leaves

    I was thinking the same. But wanted other opinions. I watered again today and upped the cal/mag amounts
  11. HellValley

    Is this a magnesium deficiency?

    Yellowing on mainly bottom leaves first can mean watering issues as well as nitrogen deficiency. If your watering had been good I would lean towards nitrogen but I am no expert.
  12. HellValley

    Spots on upper leaves

    Noticed I have a few spots on upper leaves. Been watering when pot feels light. Growing in pro mix, feeding every other watering. Water with 6.2 ph. Light is a 600 watt hps. Using general hydroponics flora series and calimag.
  13. HellValley

    Are the booster fan + inline good enough for 1000w?

    No. That number is the adequate air exchange cfm to keep fresh air coming into the grow room. The hoods and any extra turns, elbows in ductwork will decrease cfm air flow from fans. 4 1000 watt hps lights will be a lot of heat. You will need to vent lights out of room.
  14. HellValley

    Are the booster fan + inline good enough for 1000w?

    You roughly need a 267 cfm fan to adequately exchange the air. Biggest concern will be heat. Depending upon your hood for the lights.
  15. HellValley

    Are the booster fan + inline good enough for 1000w?

    1000 watt? Led, hps, going to need more info to help. Tent size.
  16. HellValley

    Bottom leaves yellowing 3 weeks into flowering

    Been watering when pot feels light. Growing in pro mix, feeding every other watering. Water with 6.2 ph. Light is a 600 watt hps. Using general hydroponics flora series and calimag. Bottom fan leaves yellowing. Thinking it could be nitrogen deficiency or letting pots get to dry
  17. HellValley

    Club 600

    Running a 600 watt mh/hps set up in 4 by 4 tent. This was 5 days ago when I switched over to hps. They have been drooping since switch. But still growing. As of today they looked rather happy again. Picked up another air cooled reflector for free. Going to order a ballast for it as well
  18. HellValley

    Plants drooping after light switch to hps

    Dimmed it down to 50% I took out the ratchets. I am now 23 inches off top of tallest plant. There all four autoflower strains. My first grow, didnt want to try any training or topping. Wanted to just get first grow under belt before trying to much
  19. HellValley

    Plants drooping after light switch to hps

    Light is as high as I can raise it. I can dim the light. Have an adjustable ballast. Only other option would be to take out adjustable ratchets on light and hook directly to tent at top would give me another 6 inches. Just measured light. Roughly 18 inches off tallest plant
  20. HellValley

    Plants drooping after light switch to hps

    Switched from mh to hps about 3 or 4 days ago. Plants have started drooping bad after first day. Still seem to be growing but worried. Was completely healthy up until then. Any input much appreciated. I am running a 600 watt mh/hps light set up. I have watered when pots dry by lifting pots. And...