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  1. HellValley

    Hard water issues? Little brown spots on lower leaves

    They should have a water test sheet that's a public record for what's the ppms breakdown is. I would try and get a copy would tell you what water has.
  2. HellValley

    When do autoflower start flowering

    Only on my first grow. I started to show pistols around 5 weeks. Attached is a zoomed in image taken earlier today at roughly 6 weeks. Will also attach photo of all four of my autos all at 6 weeks 4 different strains. Switched over to hps today.
  3. HellValley

    First grow newbie

    Switched over to hps from mh today. Ladies seem happy and healthy
  4. HellValley

    First grow newbie

    Just over a month from sprouting. Last few days they have been growing rapidly
  5. HellValley

    First grow newbie

    Just about a month from sprout
  6. HellValley

    First grow newbie

    Plants our just at 3 weeks old. Last few days they really seem to be putting on height and width. I have been reading up on topping. I have no issues with height 8 ft tent with light at max height still leaves me with 6 ft of clearance from top of smart pots. Plants are all autos. Should I...
  7. HellValley

    3 week old babies

    How close are you running light to plants
  8. HellValley

    First grow newbie

    Update. Watered today 2nd feeding with nutes. Plants all seem to be doing great in my opinion. Roughly 18 days from popping above ground. Increased amount of nutrients over first watering, but still not full strength. Opinions welcome on anything I need to improve on or do. Today's water...
  9. HellValley

    First grow training/scrog questions

    I have a few autos going, about 18 days from popping out of soil. Been looking at lot of different ideas on scrog and topping. Kinda curious what works best or easiest for first time grower. Have been considering a 4x4 scrog net from Amazon that attaches to tent poles. Just unsure. Or...
  10. HellValley


    I would suggest looking up the info on the strain your growing and see how long the suggested grow time is.
  11. HellValley


    Might need little more detail. 10 weeks from germination, start of flowering, or ?
  12. HellValley

    Soil fox farm happy frog prices

    Quick question, found 2 cubic foot bags of fox farm happy frog potting soil for $15 a bag. Is it worth picking up at this price for my next grow?
  13. HellValley

    Seedsman Review

    Depending on where seeds shipping to. Mine usually arrive within 2 days before or after earliest arrival date.
  14. HellValley


    First grow I'm allowed mistakes :bigjoint:
  15. HellValley


    Yes all autos. Planted in them from seed
  16. HellValley

    Equipment list - Tent Growing

    Will need fans for circulation. PH Meter. EC meter(optional) PPM Meter, Nutrients for feeding. PH Up and Down. Temperature and humidity gauges. Venting will depend on temperature of attic. Other items could include humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, ac unit.
  17. HellValley


    Question on watering. Plants are 2 weeks old. Should I be watering just around the plants in 5 gal pot or should I be starting to water the entire pot till run off. Running a promix all purpose mix with added perlite and vermiculite. I have only been watering every 3 to 4 days. Today I...
  18. HellValley

    Seedling help, leaf curling up. Need advice

    Checked moisture today with 3in1 meter. Showed just above the bottom moist zone mark. Pots all felt light. I watered then all with 3 1/2 cups of water. I mixed nutrients in for this feeding. I used the general hydroponics flora series. 1/2 ml of each and 1 ml of calimagic. Was mixed at a...