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  1. mededcannabis

    Please help with soil

    if you have fox farms ocean forest id recommend that. its great for beginners. but as previously mentioned its all preference and you will learn as you go.
  2. mededcannabis


    other than for sterilization i wouldnt use it. if you need more oxygen use an air stone with an air pump. if you have algae there is too much light on your resevoir, if you have non beneficial bacteria clean more. people use it though, you should probably stick to basics for now.
  3. mededcannabis

    Day 24 in flowering (first grow)

    if you want bigger flowers use a 400-1000w hps it makes a world of difference. be careful with your superbloom 55 is a very high number. looks good so far though.
  4. mededcannabis

    chemical burn?

    younglings dont need a lot of nutes so go easy. id say youll be fine those leaves are coming off anyway so dont overcompensate one way or the other. most likely heat stress from the light if its a true 250. you have a squat growing plant so it will be a while before you can clone.
  5. mededcannabis

    Question about Harvesting

    eight weeks of flowering is what they mean. although those are suggested time frames based on averages. get a good scope or magnifying glass and look at the crystals(commonly referred to as trichs) when they are about 30% amber your ready to chop. some go earlier and thats fine also. your...
  6. mededcannabis


    your cfls will work for a while then you will need an hid especially for flowering. you can fit 3-4 plants under a 400w hps but they cant be more than 18" -20" tall.
  7. mededcannabis

    Noob question. If i buy female seed do they grow weed?

    female seeds are derived from stressing a female plant until it produces male bananas so that clones from the same cut can be pollinated. those seeds then become 99% female. yes they will flower. budding is where seeds are housed until maturity without male pollen no seeds are produced and...